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RE: B&W Photo Contest Travel: 4-Legged Chicken In India Being Sold As Food In Market--Does This Look Appetizing? (Imagine Where Cheap Processed Fast Food Comes From)

in #bwphotocontest8 years ago

No chicken looks appetizing, until it is processed through the factory and ready for consumption.

(people working there must gone crazy)


On so many levels.

In the US, that 4 legged chicken would not have lived longer than a day, because it would have been discarded like this gif shows. 99% of the chickens in the US we consume are cornish cross freaks. They reach about 5 pounds at 5 weeks of age and are harvested. Typically, the female cornish cross are discarded after hatching because they don't grow as big and fast as males. For egg laying chickens, the males are discarded after hatching because they don't lay eggs. Some estimate more than 33% of the chickens hatched in the US by commercial chicken hatcheries are discarded the day they hatch.

I'm gonna try to raise some of my own chickens. I'm moving next door to a confinement chicken production facility in Arkansas, with 4 long chicken houses. That should be interesting.

I might also try to raise a few turkeys. The turkeys sold in grocery stores in the US get so big, so fast, that their reproductive regions don't line up and they can't reproduce on their own without artificial insemination. Yep, those Thanksgiving dinners are almost all the result of artificial insemination, that just sounds weird to me.

Bred for a small lifetime towards consumption...

Insemination of turkeys? Very sick :(((

Insemination, probably. Not sure what it has to do with turkeys? They are chickens...

Yes, disgusting but true....

OMG! What in the world are humans doing with their lives anyway?

Yes, disgusting but true....

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