bwphotocontest ~ Let’s play with your food

Let’s play with your food babe...


Why you eat everything that can make your body ratio going bad. Be healthy is so much fun too. Play with the colors. White and yellow from your boiled egg, orange from your carrot, green from your Brassica juncea, fried oyster mushroom and tempe goreng. There is boiled potato sticks join them all.

We call this box full of foods as... Bento!

Bento is Japan traditional cuisine, Japanese people used to carry bento wherever they go. School, working, and picnic they bring bento everywhere. In traditional way bento filled with rice, meat or fish, cooked vegetables, pickled and cutting fruits packed in a box.

It’s not only Japan who had Bento, boxes of food like bento also exist in other countries especially Asian countries including Philippines called Baon, in Korea called Dosirak, in Taiwan called Bian Tang or bendong, and in India called tiffin.


The benefits of bringing bento

1. More healthy because you prepared it by yourself, you can consider every nutrient you want to consume.

2. More hygienic cause you wash every ingredients with clean water.

3. Of courseyou can control your diet program if you bring your own bento. Bento can help you to not snacking with bad food like fast food.


And all attached picture in this article was my own bento which I bring to work this morning. Made Bento same as ‘playing’ with your food in good way.

Here it is the full color version.


~ Capture it with Sony Xperia Z1 ~

Thank you @daveks for made the competition.


Cool shot ! I really like it :)

Look good the food

makasih = arigatou = dankee

Nice shot zeck!!!

foto yang bagus @elvizakiyah.. semoga anda sukses di steemit..

Ini makanan anak kos yaa kak.. hahhaa

huuussshhh... diem2 aja

Tapii sehat kok 👌

Wihh bento bento bento haha

namaku bento... yeah

Nice shot and I love bontot too @elvizakiyah

bontot ya bang wkwkwkwk