I was in my final year of high school, when this corper came to live with us. He was to spend one year teaching economics in our school, and he was posted to our place to stay.
We had become friends, sort of, despite the age difference. I was living with my aunt and her strict husband who beat me at the slightest mistake, so it was safe to say I feared him a great deal.
Knowing this, Uncle Ugo (that's the name of the corper) set me up one day. My uncle had 6 cars and I washed two daily so he and his wife could take one each to work. On this "fateful day", Corper Ugo came back from school and rushed into my room, saying:
"GIDEON! GIDEON! Daddy (my uncle) said you should go and wash all the cars immediately, he is on his way back and he said he wants them all washed by the time he gets home"
Now, washing a car for my Uncle was an art on its own, something that should be included in the syllabus of every school. He was very precise and wanted his cars washed in a particular way. So when I was told that I had to wash 6 cars quick, I knew I was in big trouble. But I rushed out all the same and started washing. I stripped to my boxers and started with the Altima, then moved on to the Honda, before washing the Sienna, Hyundai, Corolla and Mercedes in succession.
I was totally exhausted but I dragged my weary bones to wash the final part of the Mercedes when I noticed Uncle Ugo had been watching me, standing in a weird position for about 20 seconds. Then he spoke the words that would start "The War" :
"Hey Gideon"
I looked up to see him recording me on his phone
"You've just been Pranked!"
When I was to watch that footage later, over and over again, and I saw the devastation and betrayal on my face at that moment, I forgave myself for what I did in retaliation. In the video, the moment he revealed that he pranked me, four expressions raced across my face; confusion, understanding, disbelief, and rage. He was older than I was so I had to calm down and look for a better way to get back at him. I packed up the buckets without a word and went into the house, leaving him laughing hysterically outside.
My Revenge
I began to plan my revenge methodically, I googled pranks and made extensive research on its applications, taking into consideration the available resources at my disposal. Then I found THE ONE.
Uncle Ugo, despite his age, was a gamer through and through, and in the boys quarters he was given, he would spend all day playing Dante's Devil May Cry game on his PC. Sometimes I'd come into his room at night and meet the light switched off with his face glued to his screen and a game controller in his hands. That was when the plan came to me.
That night, I had removed my clothes and put on a white singlet on a white boxers, making sure to rub white powder all over my face and chest before making my way to his room. As usual, the fan was on, the lights out, door slightly ajar and his face glued to his laptop screen. His bed was spread directly on the floor and was almost flat, bringing him very close to the ground.
I walked in soundlessly, my phone recorder already doing it's work as I knelt directly behind his laptop. You know, after staring at a bright screen for a long time, it always takes a while for your eyes to adjust to the darkness, or for you to see anything at all in the darkness surrounding the screen. That was the case on this night. I knelt directly behind his laptop and waited with bated breath for him to notice me. I knelt there for like 5 minutes as I imagined his reaction when he would finally look up and see the monster behind his laptop. I was laughing already, but my fist shoved in my mouth prevented sound from escaping. Alas, my fist didn't do the job properly as a small sound came out of my mouth.
His head whipped up suddenly to behold the "demon" kneeling behind his laptop with a white painted face and he screamed. He legit screamed and shouted "MUMMY!". I couldn't hold back the laughter that burst out of my mouth as he kept screaming and retreated to the other side of his room while throwing his pillows at me.
When reality dawned and he saw that I was the one rolling around on the floor laughing, he shouted "I Hate You!"
But the deed was already done, I had recorded the screams he made and I had seen his display of fear. He couldn't help the tears falling from his eyes. I dragged myself out of his room still laughing and I went to have one of the best sleep I ever had in my life.
The next morning, he came to the main compound to see my cousin and as he was talking with her, I walked calmly to where they were seated and played the recording from the previous night. When my cousin heard his screams she also fell into uncontrollable laughter as I explained the situation to her as well. Uncle Ugo tried to show some bravado, but it's hard to do that when your girly screams were playing for everyone to hear. I tormented him for weeks afterward with that recording. He finally had to pay me off to delete it, but I kept a copy on soundcloud.
He is now taking his Masters at the University and seeing him at the Cinema three days ago brought back the memories.
I hope you enjoyed this post. P.S, it's a true life story.
Lol, this is rich. See me smiling as I read this story to the end. I'm sure in his life Uncle Ugo will never prank anyone else.
Thank you for a great read. Keep it up. Following and looking eager to read more...❤️🐶💪
bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... This is hilarious..... Lol...bwehehe
I am not sure I find this story funny I find it horrible that your friend abused your trust and exploited your fear of your abusive uncle, for what a joke a laugh ? While this is common human behaviour I have just never understood it ,or could never relate to it. Conventional humour eludes me, this kind of cruel behaviour eludes me. Your prank was funnier but you lost me at the point you felt you had to humiliate him in front of everyone, but as I said normal human behaviour often feels strange to me. The story is well written though, well done and good luck .
Well written and very funny. I can imagine. Lol
Good writing and submission. I have read and evaluated your post 👍.