Simple enough
send your bytes to
The conversion rates are done as per
I send you your Steem.
and if you like you can tag me here when you send them, usually not necessary, but it can't hurt.
Ok, thats easy enough. So will i send 1 GBYTE, or is that too much to start with ?
How many are you looking at (roughly) in total?
I currently have like 100 Steem available, this weekend I will have more.
I can do 100 Steems worth today.
I have well over 1000 GBYTE. So how about i send 3 GBYTE and when they are close to being used up, i'll send some more ?
WOW, you are THE MAN!
100 steem is like just over 1.23 Gbytes
so if you send that today, I'll take care of it as soon as the confirmation is done in the Gbyte wallet.
This weekend I should be able to take care of roughly another 3 Gbytes.
and so on until further notice, I'll just inform you when I have Steem available in future and if you are up for the trade, sure, we can keep working together like that for as long as I can hold up the tempo with Steem.
Sound good?
Not really, i'm doing terribly with them, like all Cryptos, they have taken a hammering. Anyway that sounds good to me, i'll send 3 GBYTE now.
Up to you, I am good for the money and will make sure that I provide the proof of transfer and rates here in this thread, so that it is all in one place and on the blockchain.
Appreciate the trust and look forward to doing business with you.
Great thanks. I sent the 3 GBYTE, so i'll leave it with you !
IOU 1.7439 Gbyte/or the equivalent in Steem (as per the above agreement)
Proof of Steem transfer to ctrl-alt-nwo:
sent from account: @millers
PS. how many Gbytes were you looking at selling in total?
Only reason I ask is because I may be getting some cash in the coming weeks and if that happens, we can talk real numbers then.
Thanks again for the trust and the business, will get back to you as soon as I have some more Steem available.