You will receive 26.49 STEEM in exchnage for .28 GBYTE
If you are happy with this conversion, which may be checked above, send funds to:
@grow-pro will deliver the funds upon confirmation of bytes sent. Please reply to this message after sending so that your STEEM arrives promptly. Thank you for using @balls2steem, a creative proof of concept by @jackmiller and @grow-pro.
You will receive 26.49 STEEM in exchnage for .28 GBYTE
If you are happy with this conversion, which may be checked above, send funds to:
@grow-pro will deliver the funds upon confirmation of bytes sent. Please reply to this message after sending so that your STEEM arrives promptly. Thank you for using @balls2steem, a creative proof of concept by @jackmiller and @grow-pro.
Sent and thanks.
26.49 STEEM Sent to @moneyhacks, thanks for using @balls2steem!
Confirmed :-D