There has been a lot of speculation about whether Byteball had thought everything through when launching the Steem attestation campaign. Please rest assured, we were very aware of the different types of abusive behavior we would potentially come across.
However, we also wanted the campaign to be as easy and inclusive as possible. Restricting it to high reputation levels would have prevented a lot of users from participating, so we instead decided to start out as wide as possible and monitored the situation closely.
When the abusive behavior reached a level where it no longer made sense to continue, we moved in to change it so that only accounts created prior to July 12 were eligible for rewards. We also halved the rewards for lower reputation level, to reduce the profitability of buying reputation boosts
Enter the days of referral hijacking
Since a few days ago, we started seeing the first signs of referral hijacking. As soon as someone sent 50,000 bytes to someone else, scripts picked that up on the publicly visible DAG and immediately sent an amount closer to the amount needed to pay an attestation and a transaction fee. While we had thought this would become a problem much sooner than it did, it has now reached the point, where it is almost impossible to refer others by sending them funds to pay for the attestation.Referral links are king now!
Therefore, we now introduce the next change of rules, and removes the attestation fee. From the time of this announcement, the one providing the new user with the referral link will be the one receiving the referral reward.
Why not do this from the start?
As previously stated, we wanted to start out as wide and inclusive as possible. We also needed the word to spread fast and to make sure enough bytes got sent into in circulation.Help science and earn Bytes
With a lot of Bytes in circulation, we would like to point to some of the fun and interesting things to use it for. There is also ways for you to earn even more Bytes while doing good for the environment, humanity and science. I would therefore like to direct people’s attention to another ongoing way of distribution, that provides a win-win-win situation. By contributing to the World Community Grid campaign, which we recently relaunched with new reward rates and bonus for team members. Your computer’s idle time will be used to provide scientists and researchers help in fighting diseases and environmental problems.Sports betting
this beautiful web-frontend of the bot with nice integration directly to your Byteball wallet. When even Masha think it's easy, I'm sure anyone would:There are also other ways to grow your stash of Bytes. By providing trustless P2P betting by the use of Smart Contracts, the Betting Bot found in the Bot Store provides users with a chance to bring a little extra excitement into their preferred sport, by allowing you to place bets on your favorite sports team. @Tarmo888 made
Is the Airdrop still running? Or is it over?
Huh. Ok. So finally it's back to links. Do we need to update the app on mobile? I have a question on your other post abt the referral fee and such. Maybe someone could help answer it pls. Thanks.
Also why are the exchange bots not working? I tried it and got an error instead.
Posted using Partiko Android
No need to update the app for this change, only the bot changed at this time, but if there will be a new updated then it always good idea to update because updates always fix something even if you didn't see anything broken.
Oh I see. Alright then if that's true thanks for the info.
Posted using Partiko Android
This is the Solution!
I lost more than 10 referrals to the bots and scrappers.
Thank you @punqtured!
Here is my link for the new users to claim their airdrops.#Byteball Rocks!
Hi @punqtured, I attested my steemit username using public option and it returned this link successfully:
I had zero balance before attesting my username, followed the referral link of a friend @princewahaj, downloaded the wallet and after attesting the username, my balance was still zero. I asked my friend to send 50,000 bytes to me and then i tried to attest again, but it says "You are already attested". I have not received any rewards for attesting my name. I am entitled to $80 airdrop, please process them to me.
I can confirm that it's true.
Thank you! From Today on i have decided to move all my BOINC Actions to the Byteball Team! Currently helping for the Mapping Cancer Markers Project . Lets make the World a bit better and earn some Ball :)

While the Referal-System are now only working by using the Referal-Link and you will be also Participate to do Research Work let me know.
You can Contact me on Discord: louis88#5593 and i will help you on the Steps. And if anyone need an Invite to this amazing Airdrop - let me also know. thanks
Byteball & World Community Grid - Help research and earn bytes - Tutorial
I just wrote a tutorial for your option to earn bytes with the World Community Grid as mentioned in your post. I hope you like it @punqtured
Upvoted, excellent effort, I also use discord to help others
BOINC Mapping Krebs Marker erinnert mich an das Seti-Projekt, es ist wirklich cool!
Geile Sache ja. Habe gerade einen langen Artikel vorbereitet den ich gleich veröffentlichen werde wo ich erkläre wie man sich das BOINC - World Community Grid einrichtet. Werde es gleich hier auch verlinken.
Nice thing, yeah. I have just prepared a long article which I will publish right now where I explain how to set up the BOINC - World Community Grid. I will link it right here.
Starting With This New Announcement Here is my Offer to all Steemians:
I will pass you >100% of whatever liquid Byte I get as your referral (send you Steem name and byte wallet) OR you can get Steem (only to your Steem wallet that I see in Chat):
If Any Who is Rep 30 = 1.05 Steem send to your account (That I see in Chat)
If Any Who is Rep >40 = 1.65 Steem send to your account (That I see in Chat)
If Any Who is Rep >50 = 5.5 Steem send to your account (That I see in Chat)
If Any Who is Rep >60 = 10.5 Steem send to your account (That I see in Chat)
Use my link and if I see your name in my Chat I will give back so you get >125%
Note: My plan is to use all my liquid Bytes to purchase Steem, to support Steem and All Steemians By Extension!
Hi Girl! Gracias for helping me get to Rep ya, you're the best!
Hi @jedi-won, thanks for hooking me up and sending the extra $10 in bytes. If I knew you were going to send Steem, I would have taken that instead :P
This account is the same person, they play a show that you trust the first person.
Classic scammer tactic. You know this if you are some time in crypto.
Of course is this account also inactiv.
Hey remove your flag from me!
This is my main account @joshua-golbuu and this is my alt for funny shit, I met Jedi in the competition we both join before you idiot!
Remove it or I'll start flagging you! I'm a teen kid so who don't care what you think of what you do!
Of couse we had found this account allready.
Just stop scamming people and spamming and all will be fine.
Are you STUPID of something....i just said that's my account? Do you really just want me flag you back?
You want to flag others fine....just don't flag me. One more accusing and stupid reply from you, and I start flagging!
I'm giving you till your next reply!
LOL Peanutz! Yeah I could not offer you Steem because Bittrex was still close when you got yours. I started converted all the Bytes to Steem when Bittrex opened last Tuesday.
Daem! so i should have waited like 2 days and get Steem! what's up with that guy bad-mouthing you?
Shit he flagged me too!
Lol bad luck, wrong place wrong time
Well he flagged all my comments if it makes you feel any better
A new case where our hard work and creativity is abused by spammers and scammers.
It's not easy on Steemit.
Hey Steemians have been giving back all the liquid Steem as referral before I even did, ever since day 1.
A Dolphin who sponsored me send me back millions of Bytes too. I just went to read your earlier blog, just because you make $1000s from referral without sharing anything until now, doesn't mean we all want to keep maximum profit, some of us are doing this for fun and helping out other Steemians.
Why am I even explaining myself to you?
Blockchain shows, this is a lie.
Everyone can see that you're the one lying, and also it's not a blockchain, it's a DAG.
Can already registered member send you their steemit 🆔 and wallet too.
Warning. This is a inactive account that is reactivated to scam.
The orginal giveaway idea is real and from us.
The scammer has stolen our idea to scam people by spamming this everywhere.
Only 1 month since my last Post is Not scamming.
I have nothing to gain, it takes only 1 person who shows bytes going into my byte wallet to proof that I need to send out Steem. And I'm happy to help Steemians without any immediately benefit except for the smart contract 1 year from now.
I will send out Steem to all Stemians.
Are you bothered because you are only offering 1 Steem and I'm offering more?
I dare you to beat my offer!
We're too professional to say where we'd like to beat scammers.
Or too greedy perhaps?
Look we are already getting like 75% in smart contract that we cannot give back because it's lock and we don't know the value in 1 year time, so it's a risk to even say how much it's worth.
Why keep any more, why not just give all the liquid back especially with this new rule where we don't have to send Bytes, and it's now easier to get Referred, less work for us too!
I was about to look for customer support email as i have many people who used my referral links and i even sent them the attestation fee and have never recieved my referral rewards....
I helped this people personally by sending them the link on whatsapp and guided them step by step until they completed....this was the time the network was jammed.
Is there a way to look through that...?? They recieved their attestation reward and me i dont receive the referall!!!
Same problem here. I should have more referrals, but it seems they never came to me.
We just have to give up on the past and look for new referrals hehehe.
Previously, referral links didn't matter much, with this change, starting today, referral links are only thing that matters, but this change doesn't change referral rewards for referrals that you did before this blog post.
So it means i lost out on those problem though.
It's really good News for byteball and steemian user.
Golos users? They'll be super interested in it.Hello @punqtured, can you also make an airdrop for
Waiting for this, It will be excellent implementation.
Wow, it's a great news for steemian. I will try it.
Someone can help up my reputation? :/ i really want join to airdrop
I think that's a good move. I've had a couple of people spamming their wallet in my comments. That seems a good way to ruin your Steem account for little reward, but some will go for whatever they can get. You have certainly stirred up a lot of discussion. Wish you all the best
this is nearly the first case when I see a lot of russians in the team and it's not a scam)
I'm from russia too)
it has already working project with tech, low supply and nice price. I'm surprised))
I hear that a lot lately :-)
To be fair, the Byteball team is really global with staff members from The Netherlands, USA, Australia, Denmark, China, Venezuela, Hungary, France, Estonia and probably a few more countries I forgot.
yep yep. this is a just little more respect to the airdrop and product itself)
Have problem ! please check the transaction ?
Hello ! @punqtured
I do exchange byte/BTC all its OK but btc not sended my bitcoin address please check sir ?
I m send -84.898.890 bytes to the address for btc exchange - OBZTPVTKTAUGQJJBYJJKLPP3BGJ4KNZQ
and btc's address - 1Avagb2cEgr56fuoRhzM8Wn3gMrNfmkKqZ
HELP ME PLEASE @punqtured
Hope now referral links will work smoothly..However new announcement is good.
how much decimals byteball has?) just can't calculate 320 882 431 in usd =)
You should check out¤cy=Byte&address=
1 GB = 1,000 MB = 1,000,000 KB = 1,000,000,000 Bytes
So you have 0.320882431 GB
This cool, i like the concept were by the person who provide the referral link wins. Thanks @punctured and @byteball
Coins mentioned in post:
Pretty sure you should be able to find GBYTE in there too somewhere ;-)
I think this is a bot and it looks up any ticker on your post, Byteball's ticker GBYTE wasn't there.
There, but that took me around 5 minutes to do manually lol.
Have problem ! please check the transaction ?
Hello ! @punqtured
I do exchange byte/BTC all its OK but btc not sended my bitcoin address please check sir ?
I m send -84.898.890 bytes to the address for btc exchange - OBZTPVTKTAUGQJJBYJJKLPP3BGJ4KNZQ
and btc's address - 1Avagb2cEgr56fuoRhzM8Wn3gMrNfmkKqZ
HELP ME PLEASE @punqtured
I have not picked it up, send it to me
Should have do this from the very beginning, seriously. The words will still gone viral but the benefit of referrer would be much more guaranteed and less hassle of all the nonsense hijacking stuff.
Cookie based referral links are not perfect either, there is no perfect referral system (each have its own pros & cons), so combination of both was the best option to start with and see how people react. Until transaction referral system started getting abused, which has not happened with other distributions before. Maybe there is just more people with skills like that on Steemit.
Also, having users actually interact with the app showcases its features and helps marketing too, everybody now knows that transactions are fast, you can request for payment via chat and you can have smart-contracts that open in one year.
Thank you for the information but I have an issue at hand. I mistakenly delete my bityeball app without backing it up is there any way I can retrieve my wallet back please. Thank you.
Unfortunately no, if you don't have backup then there is no way to recover it.
Man I am mess up then. But I know the wallet and my steemit details is there no way I can be help?
Your Byteball address and Steemit username are public and these can't recover your wallet because then anybody could recover someone else wallet.
Steemit doesn't have your private keys (seed words) to your Byteball wallet, so you can't recover Byteball wallet with Steemit.
Hi, I had an experience on referral hijacking last 2 days ago and because of that I decided to use today the referral cookie given to me when I attested my steemit account. But, same as I experienced before the referral reward wasn't given to me.
tell me where I can see in the wallet
referral link
I register since last week but up still now know bytes in my wallet
i have an issue with referral earning as before i not received for 4 people who joined from my bytes and link as one of them is my friend who is beside me. now i see as only refral link work i shared my other friend link to one of my friend who not joined and also not recevied earning of refral as they download from my link and regiaster so can you tell me that where is problem?
Have problem ! please check the transaction ?
Hello ! @punqtured
I do exchange byte/BTC all its OK but btc not sended my bitcoin address please check sir ?
I m send -84.898.890 bytes to the address for btc exchange - OBZTPVTKTAUGQJJBYJJKLPP3BGJ4KNZQ
and btc's address - 1Avagb2cEgr56fuoRhzM8Wn3gMrNfmkKqZ
HELP ME PLEASE @punqtured
Thank you!
What a nice action! Win-win! I already have my byte. However I wanted to refer, but I'm afraid that some boot won't let me. :-(
Greetings from Venezuela!
This is a good move to avoid abusive behavior of some steemians.
I hope that you will be successful in your endeavors
This comment was made from
I write to ask you if it is possible to recover access to a purse of an intelligent contract of which I own the recovery seed but not the full backup, perform the Airdrop by Byteball and sold the funds available at that time, save the recovery seed to restore the purse but now I see that when restored it does not appear the funds of the smart contract that could spend in a year.Greetings @punqtured excellent work that you do informing us,
Is there any way to recover those funds or is the purse already lost?
What about the referrals, we made on first day of Byteball airdrop post @punqtured? I referred almost 60 people that day and could get a single referral reward. I have also submitted 20 forms but no response.
Does Byteball has any procedure to check the status?
I've never been able to get the byteball airdrop. I've downloaded the windows wallet, selected the chat, clicked the bot store, clicked the Steem attestation bot, Opened chat, and selected the "Insert my address (Small Expense Wallet)".
Address is populated in the chat, but nothing happened. I've done this 5 times since July 15, and there is no bot response.
The same happened to me. While the Byteball network was overloaded, the bot didn't reply, but something must have been logged so that I couldn't try it again either. Later, I installed the wallet on another computer, and it did work then.
If I can understand the post very well, it mean their won't be reward for any steemit account created after June 12?
Thanks for sharing this...
hi @punqturat
i promoted hforstner steemituser svenis on 27.11.2018, he got the byteballs, but i didn't get a reward, can you help me?