Byteball Steemit continues to pay users.

in #byteball7 years ago

Byteball Wallet Download Address
The airball campaign for byteball, which takes place in the month ahead,
is still ongoing. Steemit users are given bonus round bonus in proportion to their reputation points,
but some users who have not benefited from this campaign still benefit from the campaign.

Initial reputation score table;

Reputation 30 or above: $10.00 reward
Reputation 40 or above: $20.00 reward
Reputation 50 or above: $40.00 reward
Reputation 60 or above: $80.00 reward
Reputation 70 or above: $160.00 reward

It was this way. However, with the recent changes, this changed the reputation score table.

Reputation 45 or above: $10.00 reward
Reputation 50 or above: $40.00 reward
Reputation 60 or above: $80.00 reward
Reputation 70 or above: $160.00 reward

This means that if the reputation score is between 45-50,
it will be transferred from 10 $ 50-60 to 40 $ 60-70 and
80 $ 70 and over $ 160 dollars will be transferred to your byteball wallets.

Half of these payments can now become open for use half a year later.

To take advantage of this campaign;

You need to download the byteball wallet from your address.

After downloading this application, we are writing a wallet address that we can identify at the opening.

Then we enter the Chat tab on the left side and enter the Bot Store page above.

After entering the Steem attestation bot option here, we open the conversation.
A message comes to us after we open this place.
Once we receive this message, we click on the blue colored three-dot button to the left of the message writing location and click on Add to top address.

This bot is sending us another message. We enter SteemConnect in this message and login to Steemit account.

After logging in we chatted back to where we came again, the bot has sent us another message. At the bottom right of this message, we click on the public button in the blue color. When we approve the message and send it, the process is over.

The Byteball account is being paid for. After about five minutes we are able to use these byteball coins to process.

Byteball Wallet Download Address - link


And tell me how to activate the purse of the referral. How do I fill in?

@ekaterinka It's not necessary. If you download from the address of the byteball wallet I gave, it becomes the reference.