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RE: Byteball airdrops between $10 and $160 worth of crypto to all Steem users; make sure to get yours now!

in #byteball7 years ago

The webcam access is actually a bit concerning :/ I wonder what that is all about.

I will send you the funds as soon as I can, but right now they are having some network troubles](~~~ embed:ByteBall/comments/8ypaoi/cant_send_byte/), so it's impossible to send funds or use the bot at the moment. But I'm going to be sending it as soon as the network is functional again! And I will reply to your post once again to let you know when it's working / the funds are sent :) reddit metadata:fEJ5dGVCYWxsfGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnJlZGRpdC5jb20vci9CeXRlQmFsbC9jb21tZW50cy84eXBhb2kvY2FudF9zZW5kX2J5dGUvKSwgIHNvIGl0J3MgaW1wb3NzaWJsZSB0byBzZW5kIGZ1bmRzIG9yIHVzZSB0aGUgYm90IGF0IHRoZSBtb21lbnQuIEJ1dCBJJ20gZ29pbmcgdG8gYmUgc2VuZGluZyBpdCBhcyBzb29uIGFzIHRoZSBuZXR3b3JrIGlzIGZ1bmN0aW9uYWwgYWdhaW4hIEFuZCBJIHdpbGwgcmVwbHkgdG8geW91ciBwb3N0IG9uY2UgYWdhaW4gdG8gbGV0IHlvdSBrbm93IHdoZW4gaXQncyB3b3JraW5nIC8gdGhlIGZ1bmRzIGFyZSBzZW50IDopfA== ~~~