You have a very clear way of speaking and a very pleasant voice to listen to! I didn't listen to the whole clip but I appreciate how you share your vulnerable times as very matter-of-fact.
Reading where you're at right now... damn. Oregon has so many options for assistance, especially for single parents. I wish I could extend those benefits to your end of the world.
Thanks :)
The younger human said too long. Cut to ten minutes max! 😆 It's really just to share some of the content recorded from back then. Have quite a bit, but have it hidden for now.
Oh. I wish there was better social service out here for all of us! Terrible here. And hey... I'm still far better off than most people! Honestly.
I'm tired of the hole I've been in for five years now, though. It's enough, thanks. Looking for a permanent way out 👍🏼
You'd think it'd be easier than it's turned out to be. #neverhaveiever 👀😬
But on we go.
I hope you have a good break with the family. Must be summink to be there...