GOBLIN PSYCHIC, Weekly Battle Challenge !

in #c-c-c3 years ago


Hi Everyone!
This is my new Weekly Battle Challenge GOBLIN PSYCHIC GOBLIN PSYCHIC, The Chaos Legion earth splinter with magic damage and Thank Heal ability in low level. I want to share about my strategy that I used in this battle. Earth deck is my favorite in bronze and silver league. I hope my strategy can be useful for beginners to become one of the learning reference sources.



goblin stat.png
Rarity : COMMON
Element : EARTH
Attack : MAGIC
Abilities: Thank Heal, Affliction, Silence, Dispel
Mana Caps: 6

Goblin Psychic is earth common splinter Chaos Legion edition that grows well as we are leveling up. With every league increase, more abilities will be unlocked than before. In basic card level 1 they have Thank Heal ability. I think its good ability to support our tank to be powerful. If you combination this card and Wood Nymph which is also a monster with the thank heal ability, it will make the tank in the front position live longer. In higher league, at Silver league Affliction ability will be unlock, then in Gold league Silence ability will be unlock and in Diamond and Champion league Dispel ability will be unlock.





Rulesets: Reverse Speed (Monsters with the lowest speed can attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks)
Mana Capacity: 30

Line Up

(Obsidian+1 MagicI wanna used full magic attack in my team. Obsidian with +1 magic attack will make my monsters have more damage. According to the rulesets, I pick a lot of monsters with speed 1 so that it can have a chance to attack first.
Fungus FiendFirstNoneZero mana monster, I put this monster as a tank in first place because they have melee attack. At least this monster can withstand 1 enemy monster attack before hitting a real tank.
Mycelic SlipspawnSecondTauntDespite being in second place, this monster is a real tank. This monster is powerful enough because have 2 magic damage, 10 health, And taunt ability that mean all monsters target from enemy is this monster.
Mushroom SeerThirdSilenceAttacker 2 magic damage with Silence ability that can reduce the magic attack of all enemy monsters.
Wood NymphFourthThank HealAttacker with Thank Heal ability. I put this monster in third place because this monster has less damage than Goblin Psychic
Khmer PrincessFifthNoneAttacker with low mana, low health and low speed.
Goblin PsychicLastThank HealAttacker with Thank Heal ability. because it has more damage and health than the wood nymph.





Round 1


  • The Enemy using Obsidian Summoner, with line up:
FirstUnicorn MustangMeleeVoid
SecondMycelic MorphoidMeleeNone
ThirdRegal PeritonMagicFlying
FourthGoblin PsychicMagicThank Heal
FifthKhmer PrincessMagicNone
LastElven MysticMagicNone
  • Round 1 start with buff debuff from summoner and monster. As you can see, Enemy using Unicorn Mustang with void as a tank. Magic attacks will not be effective until this monster is dead. Its make me insecure at firs time I look the line up, because my magic damage Magic attacks will not be effective until this monster is dead. Luckily the opponent didn't bring Mushroom Seer. If that happens then I will lose badly.
  • Overall, its because void ability Unicorn Mustang my damage per turn was about 8 magic damage, 1 melee damage, and Enemy give me 5 magic damage and 3 melee damage.
  • My Fungus Fiend get first chance to attack. Its good because they can attack before died.
  • My Fungus Fiend died in this round and 5 monsters left in my team.

Round 2


  • My Goblin Psychic get first chance to perform. Healing Mycelic Slipspawn then attacking Unicorn Mustang.
  • Wood Nymph get chance next, healing Healing Mycelic Slipspawn and then attacking Unicorn Mustang. Mycelic Slipspawn Health full again.
  • Mycelic Slipspawn managed to kill Unicorn Mustang.
  • End of round 2 there are 5 monsters left each sides.

Round 3


  • Mycelic Morphoid get first chance to attack, then died from Goblin Psychic damage.
  • End of round 3 Regal Periton killed by Mycelic Slipspawn. 3 Enemy Monsters left.

Round 4


  • Wood Nymph get first chance to perform, Healing Mycelic Slipspawn then attacking.
  • When My Goblin Psychic managed to kill Goblin Psychic Enemy, victory is in sight. The last 2 monsters are killed without attacking first.
  • End off this battle I win with 5 monster left.




My strategy in this battle is work, but this strategy can't be used in normal ruleset. In normal rulesets I will used Unicorn Mustang as a tank, than I will put slower as Creeping Ooze. Its because magic monster in earth splinter has low speed and low health point. Full damage magic will not effective if opponent used tank with Void ability and monster with Silence ability. In normal rulesets it would be better to mix attacks between melee, magic, and range.


I think this monster is not bad, but same with monsters with Thank Heal ability in Earth Splinter, I prefer Wood Nymph. Its because this monster not suit to used in battle low mana. The advantage is that this monster is available on the starter card, so anyone can use this monster without having to own it or rent it.

Another plus is that this monster has many abilities that will be unlocked in each league. I think this card will be very useful in the higher leagues because of the abilities. I'm also curious to try this card in a higher league, how about you?

Talking about the price, this card has the highest price among the common Chaos Legion series cards. However it's still cheaper than most of untamed editions. Investing in this card seems profitable in a long run.


Overall I like using this card in reverse speed rulesets, and I like this card because so many ability.



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