One thing that people are always surprised with when they come to Arizona is to see Cactus and palm trees side by side. All the palm trees have pretty much been brought in from other places. My favorite kind of palm trees are these ones but I don’t know what they are called.
Are they pheonix canariensis palms ?
Yeah I think you are right. I just looked it up and that looks right.
The palm tree in the background is a California fan palm. The palm tree in the middle is a date palm (I think), and the palm trees in the foreground are European fan palms.
It looks the one in the middle might be a phoenix canariensis palms which might produce dates.
Palm trees in az depress me because it makes me think there is an ocean nearby...and unless you consider a 6 hour drive nearby, it's all just a facade! Hahahaha. I do like the cacti though!
At least you have lakes closer to you :-) You can go to Lake Havasu. Yeah I wish the ocean was closer as well.
That is interesting for sure!! I didn't know that about Arizona
yeah a lot of people know about the cactus and that is what they think about but then all the palm trees are here as well in the cities.
You should plant maybe coconuts at your backyard or maybe some Date palms @brianphobos I wonder how hot is there at Arizona but maybe it is hot but not humid?
The date palms would probably do ok but i have never seen anyone have a coconut tree here. I almost think it is way too dry unless a person watered it constantly. The humidity level is real low because it is a desert.