
I will wait for a photo! I have never sown seeds. At the moment on one fragrant cactus they are!

Cool! Pick them and try. It is so fun to watch them grow. I have some cacti from seed already from two years ago. They are growing nicely :)

Yes, thank you, I'll try! I just now have ripe seeds of fragrant cactus! At what temperature is it better to sow?

They like warm. The first time I sowed them in September and kept them in a bag in a windowsill. They did get quite warm there.

This time I sowed them few days ago - it is colder, but the sun is very warm.

I used a mix of soil, sand and perlite, sprinkled the seeds on top and then sprayed with water. Put them in a plastic bag so it's like a green house and left it on a window. They are getting morning sun only. After about a week they should start to sprout.

Look, that's the ones from two years ago when they were sprouting.

and then like this:

And those are 1 year old babies :)

Wow! How interesting! Thank you. I will definitely try!