Sin embargo, es innegable que el plantar en maceta genera ciertas dificultades dependiendo de la zona en donde vives y si el espacio que has escogido tiene acceso a la luz del sol, así como una gran cantidad de factores que te pueden tanto ayudar como jugarte en contra según la estación del año en que nos encontremos. Así que, sin lugar a dudas, dicho proceso te permite experimentar e ir aprendiendo de él para tratar de no repetir las fallas que pudieras haber cometido.
Hello to all my fellow Hivers, in this opportunity I want to tell you how in spite of not having much space for living in a building, I have a passion for taking care of plants that are both floral and medicinal or complementary in my kitchen and that has become a really interesting task, since the whole process allows you to reflect. It is enjoyed just like the cycle of life, being in this opportunity both spectator and agent of the process.
However, it is undeniable that potting generates certain difficulties depending on the area where you live and if the space you have chosen has access to sunlight, as well as a lot of factors that can both help you and play against you depending on the season of the year in which we find ourselves. So, undoubtedly, this process allows you to experiment and learn from it to try not to repeat the mistakes you may have made.
Así que para ello utilizo vinagre diluido en agua y las rocío un par de veces por día, así como en casos más extremos recurro al jabón común de lavar diluido en agua para poder disminuir la población y que no acaben todas muy dañadas. Todo ello, aunado a una revisión exhaustiva de las hojas para detectar donde se encuentran ocultas y hacer una planificación más efectiva.
In my case I have had a constant struggle with aphids, since I mostly try to have edible plants and therefore that their cultivation is as organic as possible because my family and I are going to consume them occasionally. Although what I use is only a little bit, since I don't have too many plants for us to do more than taste them or just add flavor to a recipe we are preparing.
So for this I use vinegar diluted in water and spray them a couple of times a day, as well as in more extreme cases I resort to common washing soap diluted in water in order to reduce the population so that they don't end up all very damaged. All this, together with a thorough review of the leaves to detect where they are hidden and make a more effective planning.
No obstante, trato de ayudarme para que tengan un óptimo crecimiento con elementos naturales que me permitan fertilizar la tierra de una forma que no sea agresiva y mantener todos los niveles los más balanceados que se pueda. Todo ello, sin dejar de lado el control del riego para evitar que estas se pudran o se comiencen a enfermar, para lo cual investigo de forma profunda que tipo de drenaje es el adecuado para cada una de estas.
In this sense, one of the longest-lived plants that I have with me, would have to be my cactus with which I have something more than 10 years and that I have been little by little replanting it to change both its container and soil so that it can continue much stronger to accompany me for a longer time. Therefore, if I am sure of something it is that the cactus is one of the noblest plants and with less care that I have had throughout the years and without naming its enormous resistance.
Nevertheless, I try to help myself so that they have an optimal growth with natural elements that allow me to fertilize the soil in a way that is not aggressive and to maintain all the levels as balanced as possible. All this, without leaving aside the control of irrigation to prevent them from rotting or starting to get sick, for which I investigate in depth what type of drainage is appropriate for each of these.
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