Indomie Fried Creations - Kreasi Indomie Goreng

in #cake7 years ago

Indomie Fried
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Who is not familiar with Indomie fried? Exceptional favors plus a poached egg that will mengugah the appetite during the day.

  • Indomie Fried Pattaya
    Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 11.11.47 AM.png
    The original fried instant noodles are cooked with vegetables green cabbage, green peas, tomato pieces, sprouts and sliced chilies, if you want additional agan/sis could add with shrimp or corned beef. Then wrapped with matured omelet that's been deep fried (read:d ibuat like omelets) Enjoy your fried Indomie.

Indomie goreng original yang sudah dimasak dengan sayur sawi hijau, kacang polong hijau, potongan tomat, toge serta irisan cabe rawit, jika mau bisa ditambahan dengan udang atau kornet. Kemudian dibungkus dengan Telur dadar matang yang sudah digoreng.

  • Pizza Mie mOzZarella Fried
    Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 11.13.21 AM.png
    The more hits in Indonesia at the moment is the seba-paced mozarella, I've made myself this one.. awful deh if more idle nyemil pizza noodles. How to make him also easily boiled noodle dough: nih, flour, egg, chives rajang finely, onions finely, seasoning indomie entered all the appropriate salt, add batter, cayenne pepper if liked spicy then stir until evenly distributed. Make that don't have a grill, you could fry his tables of.. then once cooked directly can be melt cheese mozarella and tomato sauce sambal. (read: mozarella cheese many instant buy aja in supermarkets). Good luck.

Yang sedang hits di Indonesia saat ini adalah yang seba-serbakeh keju mozarella, saya sudah buat sendiri loh yang ini.. enak banget kalau lagi iseng nyemil pizza mie. Cara buat nya juga mudah nih: adonan mie rebus, tepung terigu, telur, daun bawang rajang halus, bawang bombay , bumbu indomie dimasukan semua, tambah garam sesuai adonan, cabe rawit jika suka pedas kemudian aduk sampai merata. Buat yang tidak punya pemanggang, agan/sis bisa menggoreng nya loh. lalu setelah matang langsung deh bisa di lelehkan keju mozarella nya dan saos sambal.

  • Tortilla Mie Fried
    Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 11.16.12 AM.png
    Make creations that this one was easier, what is a tortilla, anyway? (read: skin kebab) "make him wear skin kebab "
    all are now instantaneous! living just to buy her kebabs leather on the market.
    then, wrap the roll of fried indomie already so the following herbs, select toppings as you wish agan (may be accompanied with sausages, Nuggets or mushrooms are cooked) recommended use of lettuce, cucumber and fresh tomato, then wrap the rolled noodles and the toppings so one well. Directly packed by using tomato sauce and mayonaise ... Enjoy it.

Buat kreasi yang satu ini lebih mudah, tortilla itu" kulit kebab"
kulit kebabnya tinggal beli saja dipasar terdekat.
lalu , bungkus menggulung indomie goreng yang sudah jadi berikut bumbu, pilih topping sesuka hati agan (mungkin bisa ditemani dengan sosis, nugget atau jamur yang sudah dimasak) disarankan pakai daun selada, timun dan tomat segar, kemudian bungkus menggulung mie dan topping jadi satu yah. Langsung makan dengan menggunakan saos dan mayonaise

  • Indomie Cake Birthday
    Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 11.19.44 AM.png
    I actually really easy.
    make fried indomie is ripe seasoning + as many fit the mold, then the noodles should be solid in the molds, pour into paper birthday and wrap the rolled up the right side of the cover paper disposable noodles left (saving tips and easy) and then choose toppings to taste and do not forget to give your small candles birthday.
    Finish ... Good luck

buat indomie goreng yang sudah matang dan bumbu sebanyak-banyaknya sesuai cetakan, kemudian mie harus padat di loyang/kotak makan, tuang ke paper ulang tahun dan bungkus menggulung sisi kanan kiri mie pakai kertas sampul (tips hemat dan mudah) lalu pilih topping sesuai selera dan jangan lupa berikan lilin-lilin kecil ulang tahun.

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