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RE: How to cast a spell - And what calendars we should use in the near future

in #calendar2 years ago (edited)

It's just incredibly difficult to imagine.
You need to cross three timezones. A timezone is 15 degrees, so you would have to move 45 degrees west. You start where the day starts, February 1 for example. The day already started in Kiribati. It is now 6 pm UTC on January 31. In Kiribati it's 8 am, Wednesday, Feb 1. So if you started there 8 hours ago, you may have to cross the dateline at exactly midnight, I'm not sure about that. So during the night the date will still be February 1, until you end on Guam or the Northern Mariana islands, I don't know exactly which one, where the day ends, 51 hours after it started.
Edit: The day ends at Attu Island. Which I should have known, because I have been looking around there, looking for an island to send our perceived leaders to. I figured we could drop them on Agattu Island, which is one island east of Attu Island.