@elfspice ha-ha get some rest m8 and wake refreshed ready to accept supportive team efforts from the community.
Captains come with different skills some are good managers and others are better at combat. Either way threat management needs to be implemented as there is a perpetual "silent war" that has been waged for countless generations and continues today to feed the empire meme with a ruling class engineering civilization and scripting the policies to be enforced.
I'm interested in this project as well. I can see you are generally attempting to do this right and I commend you. I find the steem dev team to be uninterested at best based on my experience here so far. Would be very cool to see someone make an honest attempt to clean up this platform
Thank you @elfspice for this Calibrae-PR 👍
@elfspice ha-ha get some rest m8 and wake refreshed ready to accept supportive team efforts from the community.
Captains come with different skills some are good managers and others are better at combat. Either way threat management needs to be implemented as there is a perpetual "silent war" that has been waged for countless generations and continues today to feed the empire meme with a ruling class engineering civilization and scripting the policies to be enforced.

I support you.
Forks are the most glorious aspect of the open-source movement.
May Stallman smile upon you.
I'm interested in this project as well. I can see you are generally attempting to do this right and I commend you. I find the steem dev team to be uninterested at best based on my experience here so far. Would be very cool to see someone make an honest attempt to clean up this platform
I have some STEEM to invest in your new platform. I don't have much but you can have it.
I can guerilla market if you wish. I have limited tech skills but I can sell a condom to a monk.
Haha that me laugh!