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RE: NOTE: New information changes everything. Do not vote on the other post.Announcing the Steem-based IPO of Calibrae. UPDATE: see new post that uses vote counts

in #calibrae8 years ago

Yup, that's because all the megawhales are 99% aspartame, and will give you cancer if you lick their balls.

The snapshot is definitive. The snapshot will be available via bittorrent soon, as well as easy to run binaries and configuration scripts that you can use to check up what they are, and dig around in them, if you have a giant server box to play with, or don't mind waiting a week even with decently fast gear, you can do the intensive forensics. At some point in the near future I will try to put together a pre-processed shared_memory image from a fully replayed fully tricked out RPC, complete with matching binary. I have got about 3 weeks left on a server, that should be enough time to get that image made. It will make it a lot less painful to do the forensics on it. So you can trust that snapshot I made, also, I will build something that lets you take a current up to date one and compares it until the snapshot ends, it should be 100% identical.