
Yes, I am logged in to

returns page not found..
page not found Strangely I can open just fine, but

Joining the org is not an option on that page, only follow button is visible.

Simple step, I hope it helps you - as I am new to all this so I have no explanation of how this functions.The only thing I did was join github... then insert url: then your avatar was displayed and I then clicked on "follow".

Follow option is for Loki Verloren, there is no option to join org visible.

After you clicked follow, next insert this url:

and wait for Loki to send you the invite - the invitation will show up top then clicick that and accept the invite.@slavix true there is no option to join.

I'm having the same issue as @slavix - not familiar with Github either. I thought this would be an opportunity to learn.

I'm here if you need to add me to the Project or something.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Have I been invited? Don't see option to join.