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RE: Calibrae - A Steem fork / my take on the situation

in #calibrae8 years ago (edited)

Forking Bitcoin and Ethercoin were complete failures. Both forks happened when those blockchains had really big problems and part of community were really annoyed of those problems, but in steem I'm not aware of any annoying problems. I don't think forking steem will have a different faith.

Further more steem depends on steemit platform. Forking steem involves the creation of a new platform.

In the end having more alternatives is better, but keep in mind usually forks don't succeed...


I'm not sure what your criteria are for success within the context of the crypto market, i'd say that Bitcoin at all time highs and Bitcoin Cash with the 4th greatest market cap is kind of self-validating and indicative of success.

I'd be happy to help with a platform.... we have some designs already put together and a good team. Are you in discord?

Sounds great. Here's the discord channel elfspice set up...

Spoken like a bitcoin maximalist. ie: Someone that doesn't actually understand, support or want competition.