e'll talk today here In what aspect Recently, more and more often we hear the statement that it is useful for a radish that this competition is what motivates a person to achieve that to the floor. Therefore, to achieve great successes But this is not the way all the ages depend on Alla and the most the scariest lowest most dangerous feeling that led to the most monstrous crime and at which only knew the history of mankind really envy of late began to actively explore the huge monographs of the book of research Nia dedicated to make really began to study the roots and origins of and was such. the view that borrowed a congenital trousers was still among the primitive people it was she who allowed humanity to develop that one primitive man envied the successes of the other that he would have been bolder in his best bow better spear That is, he could get more booty during the hunt and he also tried to achieve such The same result is that the scientists are convincin