Everything I do is to move closer to God. If that isn't your goal, move along, this post will only agitate you. I'm 40 years old. I've lived homeless on and off since 30. I chose to live homeless, unlike the majority who become homeless not by choice. I prefer the company of the homeless and poor. They behave like real human beings, unlike the toxic working class citizens who behave like spoiled little children. In 2013 I lived an entire year without money, eating at shelters. To this society I'm a failure. In my own eyes I'm a smashing success. See, I'm highly intelligent. The knowledge I gained is without price. I don't say this to toot my own horn but to convey the truth. If I claimed to be uneducated I would be dishonest. Everything I do is to increase my ethics and wisdom. Everything I do is for my immortal everlasting soul. A person such as myself isn't motivated by money. Money is trivial. My desire is knowledge of my Creator. Money is peripheral. Wealth is full color stereoscopic vision. I have very little money but I'm enormously wealthy.
My education is in the university of life. I chose not to contribute my time to immoral people. My time is spent on the next generation. My work I give to all humanity. This society dosn't respect vocation, maybe no society ever has. "Get a job ya bum", says this toxic population. But we can't blame the #rednecks for feeling this way. They themselves are so highly enslaved they can't even recognize it. When people oppress us the natural response is to oppress back. Either consciously or unconsciously, all of us know something is deeply wrong with this society.
Power is in our ability to display our vulnerability even though on the surface this might seem disempowering. I'm 40. I've never owned a car, a house, or even had a girlfriend. This is not to say I don't desire a companion. But I could never pair with someone who doesn't have God as their highest motivation. In my experience, as a man, it's been incredibly rare for a women to display compassion. They quite literally step over the homeless, to race to the shopping mall, to buy cheap Chinese useless plastic products. This is why I label them, the cackling witches of Victoria. They literally mock and laugh at your misfortune in this city.
Living homeless has given me time to educate myself without having to work a slave job or pay criminal tuition fees. #Collage use to be very important before the internet. Unless you require a lab to learn Chemistry, almost all knowledge can be acquired online now. Diplomas, degrees and other evaluation methods don't hold the same weight they once did. In fact, the autodidact supercedes a university student but not falling victim to collage propaganda. Or worse yet, government propaganda. I'll take a meth addict over a television addict anyday. Anyday! I'm not being facetious. People under the influence of TV are impossible to reason with. In some respects, we should admire how effective these Luciferians use this tool to suppress us.
Because you see, for these pseudo elites, it's all about class. It's strictly about maintaining the class structure. The highest intelligence is nowhere to be found in university or government. The true elites, those with true wisdom, they live in the shadows, they live with the street. Truly, the most unsuspecting characters hold the deepest knowledge. I never would have guessed it had I not experienced it myself.
Living homeless over 10 years has greatly increased my resilience. I've been called every name in the book. You learn to deal well with ridicule and rejection and not take it personally. Pimping #poverty is what we call it here. Creating an industry out of other people's misfortune. Keeping the homeless poor to employee people. Do you realize how many jobs will be lost if we house people? See, this contaminated generation has no conception of a society that puts God first. Everything for these mutants is about money. And its appropriate to describe them as a mutation. This is not our natural state. Humans aren't naturally greedy and selfish. Humans are naturally tribal and sharing. My purpose is to return to living in a tribe. Not return to the past, return to our roots. Not run away from society, lead society by example. Unification through our differences.
Government are the true purpotrators of #terrorism, not the lost souls who stab people in the streets. Government is illegitimate and therefore all laws dictated by Luciferians are illegitimate. They deserve the title of Luciferians because they openly want nothing to do with God, they are secular. This is my highest advice to express to the children of Earth. Return to tribalism and prepare for civil war within evey nation. The civil war is already happening. See, living homeless has made me fearless. It's impossible to threaten me. I'm aligned with God. God is my protector. I already know I'll be perfectly fine with or without a home. When Jesus describes to us not to worry about money, this is amateur faith. I suggest you take the advice that was given to me by another street brother. 3 things we require in this life. Reality, Immortality and our third eye. I recommend supernatural reality.
Jimmy James
Of the Growling Griffin tribe
Blueday, Saturn 35, Year 1
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3 things we require in this life. Reality, Immortality and our third eye. I recommend supernatural reality.