What if we move in together?

in #canada3 years ago

Now that the cat’s out of the bag, we can’t simply move on and get back to living like before. We know how they feel about us and we know they’re more than willing to hurt us in order to kick us down. They enjoy exercising whatever power we let them have over us.

Let’s face the truth. The whole game is rigged. It is never going back to “normal”. How can it?

Why should we let it?

If you read my post, "Canada shows us where we live",** **you’ll know that we’re not exactly in a good place. You will have also picked up on the fact that – for a lot of us – a valuable life lesson was learned.

Lesson learned

Since the early days of 2020 it has become increasingly clear that there is a growing divide in the world. A huge number of individuals fully and unquestioningly buy into whatever narrative is fed to them.

While a smaller – but not insignificant – number of people do not. If you are in Canada this was made most visible during the Freedom Convoy / the Trucker Protest in Ottawa in 2022.

Anyone with a desire to think for themselves and witness with their own eyes could plainly see that the tale the legacy media, politicians, unions and others were spinning just wasn’t true.

All you had to do was either go to the protest yourself or watch the numerous livestreams from individuals at this positively peaceful protest.

The fact so many people didn’t even bother to look and see or worse did but still decided to spew out the lies and hate tells me everything I – personally – need to know.

The lesson learned is that (to paraphrase a line from the World Economic Forum) a large part of the population will be happy once they own nothing.

For the rest of us, this is completely incompatible with our very nature.

Owning nothing

And to be clear, I believe what people who promote WEF ideas mean when they say, “you will own nothing” is not only will you not own any property, you will also not own any freedoms or any Rights. You will not even own your body.

You don’t believe me? Think about all the people who were forced to get a series of shots they didn’t want in order to keep a job or participate in society. Is that owning your own body?

no private property + no bodily autonomy + no Rights + no freedoms = owning nothing

We now know – we’ve learned – that most people living in “the West” are completely fine with moving in this direction. The problem is that I am not, and I know I am not alone. What is the solution?

Here’s something that’s ben bouncing around my head for a little while…

Divided we fall

The fact western governments and other organizations were able to ignore and trample Rights and freedoms for the last couple of years is because the majority of people sheepishly went along with whatever they were told to do.

Those who did not simply go along, those who continue to question what we are being told are a minority. Not a fringe minority but a minority none-the-less.

In my own life, I can count on one hand the individuals I personally know who are not – at all – Okay with the direction we’re heading. If I count those actively resisting, that single hand then has many fingers to spare.

I’m certain it’s the same everywhere in the West. No matter what prefecture, state or province we are in; no matter what city, town or village we live in we are a minority.

And being a minority means we will not be able to maintain our Rights and freedoms. We will continue to be pushed further down a path we do not want to travel; toward a destination we do not want to reach.

United we stand

I’m in Canada and – for some individuals here – one solution has been to relocate to Mexico. There’s even a Telegram group called Escape from Canada which mainly focuses on helping Canucks get to Mexico.

Jeff Berwick, a crypto guy I started following online, is also big on Mexico. Others like Panama, El Salvador and Uruguay. This is great if it works for you, however, for me and most others within the minority it’s just not feasible.

Most of us can’t work from anywhere we want, we don’t have the wealth needed to live without a job, we don’t speak the language (Spanish or whatever is spoken outside where we currently reside) and our kids or spouses may not want to transplant themselves into an unknown culture – in a faraway foreign land.

Folks may have other valid reasons to not be in a position to leave the country. Some may eventually be able to surmount these obstacles but it’s not an overnight thing.

These are not excuses, they are reasons.

Another solution?

Not long ago I read a story about a little town in Alberta named La Crete, which did not ever force anyone to abide by any covid restrictions. Residents could choose to wear a mask or not. Churches could choose to restrict capacity or not. Businesses could choose to have and enforce vaxxpass segregation policies or not.

Obviously how things went in La Crete is because the majority of the people are like-minded. I’m not saying they all think exactly the same but close enough to prefer upholding freedoms and Rights and not simply do what the government or some politician tells them to do.

So… What if all of us – the minority – moved in together?

What if we all found jobs, bought or rented homes, raised our families and lived our lives in the same place?

We are not all identical but we are all like-minded and that is good enough to keep any authoritarian and tyrannical agenda from having a negative impact on our bodies, property, Rights and freedoms.

As a majority our voice and our will matters.

Similar to what went on in La Crete.


As I wrote above, this is an idea that’s been bouncing around my head for a bit. It certainly is a very rough idea and I’m sure others have thought the same thing too.

But I think it is something worth discussing and exploring further.

I don’t know if it could be done at a provincial level, but probably at a city level and definitely at town or village level. And I think relocating within Canada is something that is much more feasible to most of us.

Anyway, this might not be THE solution but actively taking steps to become the majority is an idea and I thought I’d put it out there for others to think about, consider and maybe act on.

Our other choice is to remain a minority and get marched into what could become a very hellish situation.

What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts.