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RE: Idiocracy, They Live and The Rockefeller/Gates Plan to Cancel Culture

nefarious ways where "dumbing down", as you point out, and that for most par an obvious ongoing effort to bind humanity to ignorance. In that true, nothing has changed in 3000 years. the enlightened have always been ejected and labeled as madmen, when the truth of what's insane about them, is that they return to the cave to try and unshackle their counterparts for company, but they never leave, to remain the enlightened must become willfully ignorant to remain in their company of the naive and enshrouded.
ignorance of becoming in the other world is unveiled by what you say, your word is your bondage, likewise confronting nefarious & malicious misanthropy, dancing between the options to move with malice or benevolence, with the will to save or deliver from harm or not.
Ive taught in both private schools and in what Jeff calls indoctrination camps, in both, socratic dialectic and platonic philosophy is not taught.
forgive me buddy but if video games could instruct kids to read and write, comprehend , analyse or think as far as contermplative wisdom as you do, we'd be set. I reckon its really important to recognise that not all all kids get a fair chance at learning, or escaping the ignorance of parent who are unable to help them read and write or show them how to know the wood from the trees.
Just consider impressionable, neive kids listening to David ickes view of extraterrestrial beings that live outside our spectrum manipulating our world through satanic sex rituals, the implications for their mind set doesn't bear thinking of when you work out what makes for a cult..
Corbett and Media monarchy do good independent research , whereas D Icke is excessively anti-intellectual and expects his followers to be. Crypto might be new to me, but this fearporn disinf info warfare is old af for me. look up Jane Burgermiester independant journalist, she is why they didnt create their plandemic over a decade ago. She put her neck out for everyone, held them back for a decade. She gets no credit and her career was destroyed.