MemeLogic - #CancelCulture

in #cancelculture5 years ago

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Cancel Everything And Everyone

Well if you thought that Wuhan flu was all we needed to worry about, then unfortunately I have bad news for you, because what's super trendy right now is cancel culture. If you've never heard of this, well it's all in the name, it the new phenomenon of basically just to cancel anything that you don't like. Don't like someone on twitter because their opinions differ from yours, cancel them, someone said something you don't agree with, cancel them, or when you don't like someone and can't find anything they have said to cancel them over, just go find anything them might have said since the day they were born, and then cancel them. We can see this happening across the board from politicians who said things years ago to actors who played parts which are now considered not PC enough.

The most recent being author of the Harry Potter series J.K Rowling, who came out against the idea of hormone therapy and sexual reassignment surgery for children. Which has gotten the trans community up in arms and wanting her to be removed from twitter, as they believe that having this opinion is dangerous.

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"Racism is not dead, but it is on life support, kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as “racists." - Thomas Sowell

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You might be wondering just how is not getting hormones, puberty blockers and sexual reassignment surgery dangerous? Well, the argument is that because the suicide rate in the trans community is so high, therefore by nothing giving these children life altering medication and irreversible surgery, it's literally causing their deaths. The thing is that statistically there is absolutely no change to the suicide rate in the trans community before and after any hormone therapy or surgery. Another notable fact to consider is the increasing stats for people who now have sex change regret and, which affects about 80% of people who have had either.

Apologies for the detour, but because a very small vocal minority doesn't like what J.K has said, they are now demanding that everything she has ever done be canceled. You can see this happening everywhere not just to famous people, there are some who are contacting the employers of those who did not post BLM squares on their social media and demand that they be fired. This tactic relies on classifying whatever the person has said as hate or hate speech, and the mob has spent the last few years indoctrinating that into people, so much so that saying "biological females are women" is today considered hate speech and an offense that will have you banned from social media. The world we currently live in, saying "All Lives Matter" which by it's literal understanding is all inclusive, is actually not, it's racist. If any of this sounds like we are living in Orwell's 1984, that's exactly what this is, the though policing has has reached it's peak, and people are now too afraid to even disagree for fear of being canceled.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Maybe it's time we start saying no to cancel culture, they can not cancel all of us.

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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It's notable that the tranny lobby is insignificant in size. However, it's impact, as you point out, is massive. Why? Because it is being used by the enemedia to justify censorship. It is Fakebook, Goolag, and Twatter that seek to cancel voices, the very purpose for which the CIA created them, and when organizations like BLM, Antifa, and BLTBBQ movements are viewed in this context, it becomes apparent why they are acting as they do today.

Service to the wealthy is an avenue to wealth, and this seems to me the motivation fundamental to the NPCs and Karens of the world today. I reckon most of them don't even reason to reach this position, but that such behaviour is instinctive on their parts, which makes it all the more manipulable by evil overlords.

It's why I don't use Twatter, and the like. It's also the reason I don't use banks, or money, insofar as possible while remaining a social being.

As a biologist, I will point out that certain behaviours of host organisms are the result of control by parasites, such as T. gondi infected rats being sexually attracted to cat urine, because these behaviours facilitate the transmission of the parasite during the death of the host organism.

Using parasitism as a metaphor of the relationships between the covert intelligence agencies, enemedia, and cancel culture reveals society, the host organism in the metaphor, is about to expire, parasitized to death, and the parasite, banksters that own the institutions conspiring to kill it, intend to birth the next generation of their ilk availed of the transcendental power modern technological advances enable.

It's chilling to consider recent murders and attacks by mobs/agents provocateurs within the mobs, of people such mobs attacked in person, just as cancel culture attacks and cancels them online, in this light.


When major American health organizations come out and support their transgender patients and contribute to credible research that proves why it's important to do so, while this person does not: it's telling this is based on a personal vendetta against the "SJW snowflake feminazi degenerate scum" rather than a proper analysis and report of medical practice, social media sociology, and pop culture. Although I must say that I do respect morkrock's sheer AUDACITY. Lord knows I could never muster the courage to be this wrong so loudly.

For those curious about which organizations I'm talking about:

American Medical Association

American Psychological Association

The American Academy of Pediatrics

As well as the American Health Insurance Plans, National Disability Rights Network, American Nurses Assocation, American Medical Student Association, American Osteopathic Association, and American Heart Association.