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RE: Idiocracy, They Live and The Rockefeller/Gates Plan to Cancel Culture

in #cancelculture4 years ago


If im right. This is just the beginning "

That means you gave the best advice of life.
Its this Jeff verbatum.

Ok Jeff! You are a fucking jedi!

You say. Work on yourself. Meditate resolve your shit. Just try it if u want you say. When you work on yourself. Everything gets better. The outside world is changed or something happens. But when you work on yourself you will feel better basically but it will feel like the world or new doors are opened to you. You repeatedly say this work on yourself physically and mentally and your life will get better. Then you added this is just the beginning lol. As if to say to the powers that should not be. And for my next trick "we" teleport all these assholes to the moon. Lol.

Goodguys wouldn't surpress you Jeff your a jedi. And if the good guys are supressing us. I want a peice of the good guys too then.