Baking Soda and Honey/Mapple Syrup To Kill Cancer

in #cancer9 years ago

Used for thousands years, soda is one of the best ingredient to stop and kill cancers.

Rediscovered by a french chemist Nicolas Leblanc in 1791, it was used in his mineral form by ancient egyptians.

The cancer cells are addicted to highly sugary substance (consume 15x more sugar than normal cell) so adding baking soda will act like a "trojan horse" to cure those cells...

While the pharma industry prescribe chemotherapy with a billion dollars pills industry, a simple mineral can make a better job without side effect!

Give it a go, talk about it around you!!!


damn what a stupid post... (not sure why you think that baking soda is "sugary"...)

Sugary substance (consume 15x more sugar than normal cell) so "adding baking soda"...

so adding baking soda do what ? (still the question remains... why the baking soda will interest cells consuming more sugar ?)

Cancer cells consume more sugar, then the baking soda goes to the source of the problem and shrinks the tumour .