He said "Earth is cancer. I look forward to death more than life."

in #cancer8 years ago (edited)

I said congratulations Bro! It's good that you're awake to this cancerous planet. We both know that this is not our natural state. We both know that our natural state is one of loving life. Loving ourselves and loving others. Remember, it's impossible to love yourself if you fail to love others. Our true state is one where we are excited to live, excited for the future. Be glad you feel the sickness today. Be glad you recognize this cancer before it's too late. Far worse is to ignorantly continue along as if this world is good. It isn't good. It's sick as can be. Malignant and dying. But consider how great it will be to overcome such a illness. Consider how valuable it will be to remember these sick days after we are healthy again. Consider your feelings to be enhancing our immunity.

Some say Earth will perish in a giant fireball from the sun. But we both know Earth will terraform life back on Mars. We both know Earth is metamorphosing into a second sun which will shine even brighter. That's how big Earth potential is. Even bigger. Every eye sees light for the first time, every eye has a first #blink. Earth opened its eye. Earth blinked across the galaxy. I see you at last, saith the Earth.

Bro, we must absolutely share uninhibited free thoughts today in this war for intelligence. But remember words such as #free always contain some sort of sugar coated falseness, don't they? Some inevitable misunderstandings always take place. Truth is like a murky stream of freedom within limits. Sometimes clear but here comes another muck cloud obscuring our view. We replay thought loops and ride the roller coaster of the mind. Just the mirage of belonging is enough to keep us walking along these deserted sands. We keep striving to satisfy our thirst for unification and brotherhood.

I said Bro, everyday I dream of my birth and anticipate returning to where I came. Everyday I thank the big guy upstairs for being born into a new chance once again. Another day to give this Earth a try. As for whether or not I belong to this Earth, or take responsibility for what happens here after I'm gone, as for whether I bare the Earthling stamp. Well, above I am spirit. Older than the planet. From the heavenly spheres is where I originate from.

Perhaps #boredom will return me to this Earth again, to duke it out with you Earthlings. To find sharpness in different personalities, even the most dull people. To find harmony in the most harsh and irrational people. By honoring the full pallet we enrich a deeper appreciation for good colors, pleasant sounds, right actions. We frame good actions to hang on the wall to admire the beauty of our efforts.

Bro, don't allow negative thinking to shake those paintings off your wall. Don't allow deadbeat family or archaic nationalism to break your inner peace. Don't allow unfortunate circumstances to close the curtains over the honorable view. Why abolish the past when it gives us such useful resources to overcome the present? Polish the scope of the past and gaze upon the glorious future. Power is in recognizing sickness, not our in weapons arsenal. It's true that the world is in a dangerous state. Yes, true, that we could lose everything is a real and emanate threat. But even if Earth perishes the Galactic family carrys on. Even if Earth sinks below the cosmic sea, galactic life will continue sailing the stars. Life will keep rowing until spirit no longer needs to embody mind. Everything we do on this planet we do for all planets. Everything you achieve yourself you achieve for all life that has ever been or will ever come.

Did you read today's heavenly news feed? Yet another kingdom was established in the galaxy. I hear rumours that Earth might be next. The kingdom of Earth, where all life is royal and respected. On Earth, where all life is honored. Change happens over many years. But radical change can happen in a single infinitesimal moment. A day is coming when we live free to roam anywhere on our beautiful home planet. A day where the state of mind is at peace. When creativity and exploration dominate the landscape. When cacophony is shaped into the most awesome harmonies. Don't worry bro, don't fret about an ugly cancerous world. #Suicide is the proper feeling but the wrong action. Stay focused not to succumb to a bad moment. Earth most definitely is cancer but the body isn't dead yet. Look forward to both death and life. But especially life. We both know we never truly die.

Jimmy James
Of the Growling Griffin tribe
Orangeday, Saturn 32, Year 1


God is the meaning of Life... Never forget...
The Present bears Witness of the Past, and
the Future shall make all things Clear...

True, our purpose is to align with God. That's why it's critical to detach from GODLESS government. Either you choose the state or you choose the supreme creator. JC sums it up, we cannot serve 2 masters. @pocketechange

Yes... To Align with Life seems like a Truthful Purpose... And Detaching from the LIFELESS government seems Critical... God is the meaning of Life...

And let's not forget, getting off the Gregorian calendar too. Use the Chroma Celestial calendar. Today is Greenday. Everyday is holy and sacred using this calendar.