Thanks, @finnian for the compliments and support! And yes, as far as prevention goes, eating fruits (and their seeds!) highest in B17 would be very helpful. These fruits need to be non-GMO, however, because the modified ones have all but been stripped of their amygdalin. Highest values will come from pretty much all non-GMO fruits including berries, but excluding citrus, where it is not found at all. If you make smoothies in a blender it is very easy to digest the seeds without feeling weird about actually eating them - instead of chopping off the flesh of the fruit just blend the whole thing.
Bitter almonds (not the ones in grocery stores - they are sweet almonds) and apricot kernels contain the highest amount of amygdalin. Unfortunately, they are not very palatable or ease to source, and would only be feasible to eat if you truly had cancer - unless you just love the bitterness.
But numerous studies and practice through the decades all have one thing in common as far as alternative cancer treatment goes --- and I'm sure this holds true for prevention too --- a raw vegan diet. As I'm typing this, I feel hypocritical in saying that, because I am not vegan LOL, but that is what the research shows.
It is also known that keeping your body slightly alkaline (7.3-7.5) will keep disease and sickness away, as cancer cells, bad bacteria, bad fungi (but mushrooms, and some yeast are very healthy as you pointed out above), viruses are all anaerobic and will die off from higher blood oxygen levels. This can be achieved by drinking alkaline water, adding a bit of baking soda to one glass of water a day, being very physically active - and eating less of acidic meat, animal products, coffee, alcohol, all the yummy stuff, haha.
Also, more and more research is coming out showing how important trace minerals are for cancer treatment (selenium, zinc, magnesium, idoine) - so I have been drinking a tsp. of pink Himalayan sole in a glass of water a day - it provides over 84 minerals in decent concentrations, and can be made at home. The reason it is important to supplement minerals is because the soil in commercial agriculture is not as rich in trace minerals as it used to be, so our produce has much less of them than they should.
Another good piece of knowledge, pertaining to our prepping conversation the other day, is to keep potassium iodine (KI) around because it can prevent thyroid cancer and many other ails which result from a radioactive situation. Here is a NCBI study explaining the specifics, but it is used for medical and military personnel who are exposed to high levels of radiation with excellent results.
My favorite hobby is learning about herbalism and naturopathy, so there will be many more articles like this is the future!
Thanks and I look forward to the results of your research. The KI pills are a scam by the way. Whether it is a failed nuclear power plant or a nuclear blast, there will be other radioactive isotopes present other than the Iodine 131. The pills won't keep people alive. :)
Good to know, never know if you can trust the NCBI!
I've done pretty extensive research on the topic because I plan to survive. :)
Yes, you have quite a bit of knowledge to share too - looking forward to it!
I was thinking about this over the weekend - what is odd is that thyroid cancer is almost 100% curable with I-131 - the patients actually drink it - and it is a scary-looking lime green radioactive substance. But, people get torn up over someone wanting to use a concentrated substance from seeds to treat cancer, because it may be dangerous?
I used to work as a nursing assistant at the Markey Cancer Center at the University of KY, where Dr. Ain practices, and is notoriously the best thyroid oncologist in the nation. He cured my 17 yo cousin of thyroid cancer this way (over 8 years ago)- surgery, drinking I-131, and small amounts of chemo.
I guess it works because it effectively kills the thyroid entirely? I'm not sure on that, but I think it's odd that the one treatment which works so well on thyroid cancer, is also the isotope which causes thyroid cancer and malfunction after radioactive events.
I had the 131 pill to kill my over active thyroid. They told me the people who take the pill actually have less chance of getting cancer than those who do not. That's probably garbage of course, but who knows for sure.
The pill I took was in a thick lead case, and the person who opened the case was wearing a full hazmat and lead protective suit. I was standing in the room with nothing on, and I picked up the pill and ate it. LOL My pee was pretty green for a day or so too.
What really bugs me is that my thyroid probably would not have gone nuts if it were not for my terrible diet of tons of table sugar at the time. I was shocking my system badly, and a proper diet at the time probably would have avoided the Grave's Disease in the first place.