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RE: FDA Crackdown on Amygdalin

in #cancer7 years ago (edited)

is a poison. With laetrile, when administered via IV, it is really only toxic to the cancer cells. Patients will feel bad a little, but nothing unbearable.You are correct @hafiz, it is a really toxic substance, but so is receiving dozens of high-dosage chemotherapy and radiation sessions - even more so, really. Are there bans on those noxious synthetic drugs? No. The difference is that chemo and radiation do not differentiate between healthy cells and cancer cells so you get very sick from systemic poisoning; because chemo

There are people who take high doses of dried ginger, which acts as a chemotherapy, and they will have some of the same side effects of chemo like nausea, fatigue, even hair loss - but it still isn't as toxic as conventional treatment. Ginger is apparently very helpful, especially with ovarian cancer.

The point is that amygdalin is found within almost every fruit we eat, and honestly regardless of what their studies have shown, people are still curing themselves using amygdalin/laetrile along with other alternative cancer protocols. It is simply irrefutable. So, yes, why would there be any type of ban on it whatsoever?

These are the types of issues Americans and individual states need to think about. Are we going to let them do this to us repeatedly (for many decades), or are we going to utilize our Constitution which was written for moments exactly like this, when the federal government oversteps its bounds?

All these silly bans on "this-and-that blah blah blah" have got to go, the states just need to do it and be done. Best way to move forward is to absolve ourselves from it and make it irrelevant - luckily, the individual states constitutionally have that right!

Thanks for reading!