There are so many different kind of cancer, and some symphtoms can be similar to other things and getting the right diagnos can sometimes take time. My mom is a cancer survivor, she had breast cancer but fully recovered and 20 years passed and last year they saw some rest cancer from that time but unactive, so she gets meds to get rid of it.
She is doing well tho and no signs of activity.
You sure been through alot, and I am glad you finally got the right diagnose and they keep checking you.
I wish you fully recovery and Thank you for sharing your story 🙏
It will help alot of people and wake awarness.
Happy weekend 🌹
I happy your Mom is doing so well, it must have been caught early? Unfortunately mine was not and being such a rare kind it's not uncommon to be diagnosed at stage IV. There is a lot more to this story and hope you follow along. Cheers! I hope to help people understand what this is so early detection is key!
I Will absolutly keep follow along to see how your journey goes and to learn more about the story.
My Mothers cancer was caught early as we lost my aunt and after that my mom and her Sister got checked and that is how they noticed it.
So she was really Lucky and the operation took most of it and after treatmeant for 2 years she was all free.
Much love to You and yours ❤️