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RE: Cure Cancer, Alzheimer, Depression, Overweight And Many More With: TUMERIC/CURCUMA! Medical Plants And Herbs Part#1

in #cancer8 years ago (edited)

NO disease is cured over night, as NO disease gets you over night. Health is built in time and it's the same with the diseases. Disaster leaves clues: if you eat 5000 calories per day for 365 days and you don't exercise, you'll be obese in 365 days. People cry because of their condition but in 99% of the time is just the result of their action. Maybe eating curcuma for 365 days will cure you or transform you in a better version of yourself, but we're talking about a year, not over night. I'm just writing this to make your realize that you need to be thinking long term and to stick something before you expect results.


totally right mate! BUT you get the first results with curcuma after weeks/month if u use it the right way, its a simple scientific fact.