8 years ago after losing my mum to terminal cancer I came across an article which explained that cancer can be beaten naturally. I began to research and my findings made me angry and frustrated.
Not one person mentioned anything about alternatives to me or my family as my mother was dying day by day in front of my eyes. I couldn't believe it and I know in my heart with that knowledge I could have saved her.![]
At the time I was so ingrained in the system I didn't even bother to look for alternatives myself on google or youtube, I simply believed she was terminal. That lack of personal initiative on my part was unforgivable and it is what fuels me today.
I began to raise money for charity in mum's memory and it suddenly dawned on me that I could make much more of an impact simply sharing hidden knowledge. It took me 7 years to achieve the 10k target and I will never raise another penny because cancer is one huge scam up there with central banking.
My mission is to make sure that people understand the alternative side to cancer and what causes it... In my opinion only when this information has been digested are they able to make an informed decision about how they treat it!
I'm the type of person who would try something before telling a friend. I have removed moles and under the skin cysts with a product called black salve with great success, I use another very cheap product to deal with infections and viruses from aids to malaria. I will never use another antibiotic in my life nor will I ever have another jab of any kind.
Right now I'm 9 weeks into an as much as I can eat fruit and herb detox to clean up over 40 years of poor acidic diet. I had a pea sized cyst type lump under the skin in my forearm for around 15 years. It never troubled me but just it being there bothered me. So last night I try to find the lump and its gone after nine weeks!
##Here's my simplistic analysis.
The body is a chemical processing plant.
There are two sides to chemistry... Acid is corrosive and destructive. Alkali is soothing and cleansing
The lymphatic system is the body's sewer system that carries cell waste out of the body using the kidneys, colon, skin, mouth and nose.
Blood represents 25% of bodily fluid, The great lymphatic system represents the other 75% bodily fluid.
The blood is the kitchen that feeds cells, The lymphatic system gets rid of the cell waste.
Meat, Proteins, Dairy, Complex sugars, Processed foods all create acid waste in the body.
Fruits, herbs and some vegetables are alkalising and cleansing to the body.
Pharmaceutical drugs treat symptoms and create more acid in the body... Acid burns and corrodes allowing for mutated cells to grow and spread.
99% of health conditions tracks back to having an acidic lymphatic system "Acidosis"
Now get this Chemo is crazy acidic yet that's what they use to try and cure cancer??? WOW
A Fruit diet with some herbal supplements gets the lymph moving and the acid out. It can cure anything from Dandruff to Cancer.
Many lies are peddled about fruit sugar, It is essential to life... fructose is on the carbon side of chemistry and is absorbed into our cells without the need for insulin. Without carbon and oxygen cells die, engines don't run!
Believe it or not if you research properly you will find FRUIT is the answer to these so called incurable diseases Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancer and almost all others.
Modern medicine is having to rewrite the text books after recently discovering the great lymphatic system plays an important part in health. Yet natural doctors have been alkalising the lymphatic system for hundreds of years.
Here's a link to an article I wrote a while ago where I try to provide a kind of one stop shop for anyone wishing to research a natural way to beat cancer and other illness. It can be done quickly with out the need for barbaric Chemo, radiation or surgery. It's hard to argue with this type of common sense and logic... it makes you question science theory even more.
Hospitals are great for emergencies and accidents but where your day to day health is concerned it's time to empower yourself!
Very interesting, I will follow you and not because your are a fellow TDV ;-)
My mom died 9 years ago from cancer and I wonder if i could have saved her with everything I know now. I certainly will not have chemo if they ever offer it.