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RE: Candida Auris. Are you infected? Most likely.

in #candida6 years ago

the 'NSFW'/Lady parts image, I could imagine that some people actually want to have a look at that for the right reasons. So a link in the article to good information on the subject could be a lot of help for some people.

Hmmmm indeed you should search Wikileaks on the subject and do a DeepDives about it.


I dont know its for sure a possibility. This Chem trail thing is insane. They are literally gassing us.

Its such a pc world i want to not upset the hyper sensitive identity politic kids with a vagina pic or link.... Jk...

There are billions of vaginas on this planet, and even google tends to spit them on the screen without asking.
If people would only accept that vaginas exist.... We all behave as if we have spotted a UFO when one jumps on the screen. Someone should write an article that explains all about this mystical female body part. And raise some serious questions. UFO style reporting... (not me LOL)

A trip to Hollywood as if it is area 51...