On the last post I revealed an unconventional use for jerky machine.
And now...
We say goodbye to Space Pants.
Do any other growers get emotional when you have to cut down a plant?
or are you all so used to the routine of harvesting and getting that plant turned into a delicious pile of awesome?
It was fun learning to do this stuff, and I spent a hell of alot of time with these plants.
I sat there and looked at it, trying to decide the best way to cut it, should I try to keep anything on it, lots of choices of what to do.
I ended up doing it like this because I wanted to see what happens if I kept watering a stump.
I really have no idea what will happen. Probably nothing. But I left some nodes to see if they magically sprout anything. I'll take it as a sign that it was meant to be a mother plant! If nothing happens, then at least I got all the buds. :-)
When the brutal slaying finally ended, the crime scene was littered with limbs and a half-buried corpse.
I gathered the lifeless limbs into a pile...
...and I prepared to hang them all in a darkened confined space.
Slowly, I built a serial killer of plant's collection of trophies! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!
This is a paper box with the lid off. I poked some holes and ran some paracord thru to make a means to hang the branches.
Ladies, Gents and others, I present to you the HEAD OF SPACE PANTS!
May it dry out properly and give me much joy and relaxation or a loud fucking head trip, I'm not really sure what she's going to do yet...
Here lies Space Pants. I love her dearly with all of my heart.
But she did have to die after all. Her heart will go on, right through my bong.
I have put her away in a quiet dark place with a steady fan keeping constant air moving. Let us all remember Space Pants fondly. :-)
That's all for now!
See the first part of this growing season and the weird journey these plants have taken from seed till now.
I make art and I grow things. I'll leave it up to you as to which of the two I am better at.
You are learning. And I'd say a little more fertilizer...
And there are plates of nutrient deficiency and toxicity... Those would help you balance it out better.
Great job! Hanging plants is always emotional for me too. Happy sad I'm conflicted.
But keep learning how to grow. And blaze it.
Thanks, more fertilizer definitely. :-)
Yep here is a vote! Show those plants some.love.
Get Ed Rosenthal oaksterdam course book...
Thanks, I just found it on amazon. :-)
Fuck yeah giving you a vote! And send me the link and I'll throw you some more votes!
Important book to have for sure.
My first harvest was hard for me to cut down, but not so much anymore. Only thing that gets me, is I do tend to over think, "did i cut to early" lol
Yes, I was also having that same thought too!
Get a loop and look at the trichromes. If it's cloudy it's not too early. If it's Amber it's amazing.
If it's clear? Wait.
They were milky turning amber for Space Pants. I need a new loop. I broke all the molding and plastic on the one I had so now just have the lens, which is still doing the job.
Nice harvest! It'll be interesting to see if the stump does anything. It would be pretty cool if it starts growing again. :-)
I want to walk outside one morning and see a couple of leaves. lol
One time my broccoli re sprouted baby broccoli even though it wasn't supposed to...
What happened, why did you have to cut it down?
The trichomes were getting to that point, it was about that time. :-) The branches are currently drying and I will be posting an update soon. Oh yeah that stump is still a stump. lol Nothing has sprouted yet.