When NOT To Water Your Cannabis Plants.

in #cannabis7 years ago

IMG_9332 - Edited.jpg
IMG_9343 - Edited.jpg
Play spot the difference between these two photos.
Look at the top of the large plant in the back.
See how the top picture is more droopy?
Now look at the ground in the two photos.
See how the top photo is much more wet?

My plants were actually
drooping because of OVERwatering;
which some are
confused by:
Or do not believe you can over water.

Believe me you can. Even in the hottest; driest areas.
Test you gardens WATER RETENTION by sticking your finger
into the ground. If you feel lots of moisture; especially after
not watering for a day or two: You might want to cool it.

Let the ground dry up. Why? Because the roots chase water.
So they will not grow properly DOWNWARD if you keep
watering the surface. Let your top soil dry and your plants will thrive.


Also your roots need air, great point you brought up. I remember someone telling me here on steem, dont remember who that they use a tooth pick, if no dirt is left on it after sticking in, it might be a good time to water. I have my indoor grow down, but outdoor im still trying to figure out.

They look pretty good

Thank you.
Hopefully the leaves perk up even for how big they are.

Great example here. Thanks for sharing.