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RE: My Cannabis plants just began to flower in the SoCal sun! "THC Bomb" strain getting taller than me, biggest plant Ive ever had! Plus ChemDawg4 and PurpleUrkle and Centpedes and Flathead worms come out at night around my treehouse!

in #cannabis8 years ago

ya i gave some plamnts to @monkimo and he face times me showing them and i wa slike 'Turnthat fan off dude its blasting the plants" and he was like "thats just th wind" and yeah the plants couldnt survive in the desert in 110 degree weather i guess, they needed a greenhouse, yeah desert is harsh, i thought they could make it haha they arent invincible lol but wiuth irrigation and on the coast its a garden of eden for cannabis plants here, i guess norcal and oregon is the optimal place but socal has more sun and i dunno, i guess they dont like the heat they like teh cold liek norcal jhas and the soil is so much better in norcal, sierra nevada soil so good. i bought some soil from Seqouia national park once that was for growing a seqouia tree, thats a tree we always wanted to grow and which u could buy a seedling of at the gift shops, a giant redwood seqouia tree, andthey NEVER fuckin grew down here haha

i wish i could grow seqouia trees indoor now

I still have Two Giant Seqouia Pine Cones I took as a child from the base of the Tallest Tree in the World, the general Sherman tree, but its a pionecone so i think I have to break it apart and get these seeds

Crazy that this bcomes this

Man california is so cool, Who else can say they have the biggest trees on the planet? I think that shows how fertile the soil is, and the overall life force of the area it has the BEST ingrdiants for life, its why everyone wants to livehere, its the quartz crystal matrix bed undenatth the state nd al the Gold it acts as some sort of Antennae for "Good Vibes" lol just kidding

Seriously though everyone should just live in California, we could have plenty of room out in the desert if we had cheapo solar power and nano tech robots to just build the desert into nice places, like build european style villas, places that are fun to explore, it wouldnt be that difficult, well, maybe 7 billion oeople in california isnt a goodidea, but its just so nice here i want evryone to get to experience it.....

Then again theres plenty of beautofulplaces, some places may actualy be more beaytiful than caoifornia like Ecuador, but we have a special type of forst here, the northern california experience is just so pure and cleana d cold not too cold but its like crystal blue lakes and quartz crystal caves and red wood trees...that feling of camping out in the mountains its just so nice...and theres still legit wilderness out there, like u can just look out and theers NOTHING, (theres maybe a fw cabins hre and there but they are supr remote)


You can grow outdoor out here it's just not optimal. There are a lot of greenhouses though. I actually lived in cali for two years. I moved back here a year ago for this job.