They are legal here! And i have a medical card so its legal in two different ways! twice as legal!
but ys they are cool with it because they like plants and they think they look cool and fit in with the rest of the garden, but also they recognize that Im good at it and it saves me A LOT of money , they see that i dont ever have to go to dispnesary if i just grow enough (i stil go for wax but soon il ave enough bud to press into my own wax but ill still always get wax at dispensary cuz its so cheap $16 a gram and if thats olut still $25 a gram is still great and the wax lasts so long when i just ue one lil dab at a atime in my coil ecg vape pen
but yeah im super lucky to have all the right ingredients to grow
I also just was confident enough to see the plants being sold at my dispensary and knew I could do it, and so far out of the ovr one hundred plants ive been growing over last few years i maybe only lost a handful, most recent loss was someone transplantd my big devils tear and roots died, but it had plenty of clones made before that happened so its technically still alive actually hmmmyes so its fine
But yeah I got into gowing and THEN i got into cryptoi and mining and steemit and now i have enough money to buy more clones but i also have cloning gell and make my own clons i should be making many many more tho ND i should pop my seeds
i have no excuse but lack of space, and i still have plenty of room in my indoor grow room so i can veg in there all year and flower outside, i should be vegging outside with supplimental lights yeah i jhave no excuse
i shoul be growing 1000s of plants! If u wanna buy a clone for $15 i will go pick it up, whatver strain u want, and ill grow it and take care of it for u, and wen its rady tobe harvetsed, well split it lol, so for $15 u will get ounces of weed or maybe moe if we can get it as big as the THC bomb is! And buy the stuff well need like dr earths flower girl potassium and phosphorus mix, to get it flowering real big, or just let it floqwer off the dank soil i have ...anyway i could do a grow for steemit users who arent in a legal growing state
ill grow for people and they can just come to san diego and pick it up when they want! Ill hold it for them as long as they need sealed in some bags ready for them heh, its all legal i am even allowed to sell weed that I grow, and u can even sell weed even if u dont grow it, and the cops just dont care anymore and honestly they are happy to not have to deal with canabis,its great, u go in the hod now and theres black run cannabios dispensaires where you see gusy who prob;ly used to be gang members selin weed illegaly and now they just grow and sell lgally and pay their taxes thqt go to help their local districts and its really pumped alot of money jobs AND stopped peopel from needlessly getting arrested etc
iIm realuy proud of San Diego and california for this....texas and fly over country love to talk shit about california, about our anti 23nd amendment laws etc but i have a gun, anyone can, anyone can get an AR15 here to, or a pistol, theres no way they can stop you from building ur own which I did which si realy easy, same price too actually cheaper sometimes $850 for glock17 or ar15 kit with everything u need even the bullets, so here in caliufornai we get Guns AND legal cannabis! Guns and Weed and Crypto currency, everything u need! Wait nop we need Guns and Weed and DMT and Mescaline haha im have them all~! And my mescaline and DMT is lega;l because its still in plant form!
See kids you CAN mkeyour dreams come true!
yes i am vry lucky human being and this is why i try to force myself to help others and not be so hard on my own in ability to have saved up a million dollars by now because I am already comfortable and have everything i need, and i have my desires set low while i dont have much money and when i have the money to actuyaly enjoy more expensive things then Ill set my bars higher like the greek philosphers said to do....., i alrady get to experience alot bcaude of what my family has saved up and built for us but now I need to make my own money but I have to help peopel who DOnt get a nice existance who NEED that money JUSt to get to a place where they can chill!
can already chil whenever so i have no excuse to be an asshole....I could use a better chair for my back but I cant fit one in my treehouse, i need to research thebest sort opf bean bag type chair i can put on my bed while im not sleepingin it and uysing it to sit on like i do
Your reply was as long as your post! Thank you. I enjoyed it. Good luck on your journey helping people.