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RE: Here is what legal Cannabis Cartridges in a legal marijuana zone looks like. Affordable $15 500mg ecigarette cartridge under San Diego Beach Sun

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)

Yes i am wondering oif @steepshot maybe has an update on the android play store?

We should become steepshot customer service reps and help all users of that app and help steepshot expand and grow and earn more beneficiary rewards, I love the idea of steepshot earning money off my posts because they really filled a need and their app needs money to pay for developer sto add new features like imagine if steepshot had video, filters and story moide like instagram has! And imagien if steepshot organized your posts with video previews like instagram ! Pwow we could have so many features like instagram and snapchat and it would be amazing no reason we can't have that too, its all just good coders good program,mers :D we can find or make them ourselves :D anyone can do iut! It tsh ultamite engineering the ULTAMITE architecture of the 21st century is programming or coding whatever you want to ca;ll it maybe Web Development yes @inertia can tell us what the proper term for ythis field is

I just like the idea that ANYOnE with a simple rasberry pi or android can code and make spomething iuncredible... Just like now anyone can edit video and make whatever they want, for the mst part, if you have the coding skills you can go on github and find support but I just want to subsidize the promotion of teaching programming and specific TYPE of programming to a specific group of children who statistically end up becoming good at that....

I want steem coding club for kids ... Go over stuff that normally I s boring and make it seem cool, you can make stuff look cool that normaly woulda never been seen as cool. So MUCH in tech world is seen as cool when you normally would never imagine to be cool .. But now WE are the masters of perception!