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RE: Used some SBD to buy Jack Herrer, Grape Ape & King Louis THC Vape Cartridges from Harbor Collective Legal Cannabis Dispensary in San Diego. Ca

in #cannabis7 years ago

sure, with the money i save, because I only pay $15, instead of $23 like here 3 for 79, I can help hgaha deprived child ? I don't have children so sorry haha and also I can UPVOTE children oin oteh rcountrie son steem NOT send them SBD, sending a chidl SBD is dangerous if they did not earn it because you create dependency on some starnegr aorund the world, no you needto create jobs for people and you also don't nee dto guilt anyone into spending money on someoen around the world or even athome, its our money we can spend onw hateve rwe want, just make sur epeoipe know you buyngyourself things with your own money has NOTHING To do with some chidl around tehw orld, that chikld nas parents or a village who can and will taekl careof them, you can't always help a child on steem, you have to have tristed users who can use money to feed kids, but that's for people in those countries to do, and with steem we can make the most money for people to LET them do this IF THEY WANt

But you must realize that the more people spend on these cartridges the less money goe sinto the black market, and also jobs are created factories for these cartridges are made, everyoen has a family with children, maybe children are fged becauyse of a paycheck from the factory that makes these cartridges Make sur eyou look at everything!
I do want to PROMISE you that you WILL see Steem and SBD being USED for some great projects by @steemgh watch hima nd you will be staisfied. You will see the importance of buying cannabis cartridges along with anything . People are allowed to buy whatever they want and I simply choose to show off that steem is REAL and you CAN use it, so people treat it seriouslya nd we end up getting big investoirs who push steem up to $100 and I will be able to feed 1000 children instead of just 1! :D See we WILl hae a GREAT machine to push PRIVATE welfare onto the streets of all free citie son the planet even pyojngyang will have steem from the looks of thinsg and the incomng peace into north korea dn itsbeen ABOUT time that we end the insanity of north korea and just have peace

we will have some incredible progress on this planet thanks to EOS. We will have EOS airdrops and people simply owning this private key that is tiesd totheri identity in a way to make sur eno one can steal it! It will finally be the ultamite system for reforming things in a decentralized manner because all the old stuff was barely working anyway, we can be so muych more efficient

OK I'm off topic but anyways just watch everyoen will be staisfied, but we should also be careful how we view the allocation of private funds, sometimes people spend money on things, not every dollar you spend needs to be spent 9on some starving child in another country :D that is insanity my friend :D STEEM will help the under privalaged children! Steem and the people in those countries with those poor children will help them! A high steem price and large amounts of steem HUBS all around Afriuca and india and Southeast asia and latin americ,a that's what we need, steem HUBS in every region on earth. Garuntee 90% of the world that there is a steem hub within walking distance no matter where you might be. If we make sure to have a steem hub in every city and town on Earth, it may take a while but steem HAS the users in all of these remote places, they can all become representatives of steem in a way that lets steem Build up into something like Facebook + Amazon + Ebay + Alibaba.... I imagine a global marketplace usings teem as the global currency,m and steem blogs as the recoiepts showing all the details about the items for sale, comments showing what the users agree opn, comemnts showing AGREEMENTS betweenparties, but oin EOS we will have options to really make custom shit oooh it will let you actuially build the marketpace INTO the steem blog or EOS blog oh mathat will be huge, stem ebtetr catch the rfuck up LOL steem has to launch DMTs and HF20 BEFORE EOS launches no way they can fuckin wait till septemebr they better fuckin hurry up hahahaah iw ant my baby back baby back baby back baby back I want my baby backl baby back baby back

CHILLIES baby back ribs, chillies baby back ribs


OOOOOOOOH I WANT STEEM tpo be $100 Because of Koreaaaaaaa

and EOS to $200