ADSactly Hemp Health: Hemp Surfboards
Running your hand across the smooth curve running down to the beach feeling the sand in-between your toes, quickly trying to rip off your clothes in a massive hurry to catch those waves rolling in before they break all in a snapshot of fun in the sun with a surfboard.
I did try to surf once but I'm awkward going to lie on the board it just pops up barely missing my face, yep gave it back to the kids who were catching waves which they fell in love with surfing.

Never considering the thought about surfboards being toxic, harmful to our environment, or health they are a bit of fun they aren't leaking oil, fumes into the ocean with hemp being used for so many products I was interested to see if hemp had been used in creating surfboards.
Being quite blown away there were quite a few companies that integrated hemp within surfboards using different hemp products this is what intrigues me with hemp is everyone can see a different use, a product which can be integrated differently.
With this search it informed the damage, toxins of surfboards with the components being used polyurethane, or polystyrene foam, the layers of fiberglass cloth, your resin choice of polyerter, or epoxy, all this combination makes surfboards non-biodegradable nor recyclable.
I remembered being told that when fixing a surfboard from chips, we had to be careful because of the fiberglass inside was not good for your health when sanding, this was the same when sanding on fiberglass boats.
With people starting to be more aware of their surroundings the products they buy the ecosystem of the effect of the damage materials can cause to the environment, health they are looking for alternative materials for surfboards the raw materials need to be buoyant, durable, sturdy, mouldable, lightweight to stand the test of the thrusting of waves with the weight of a person.

Materials like bamboo, soybean, balsa wood, softwoods such as cedar, red or white are being used or have been tested as eco-friendly alternatives.
Looking at the hemp boards it seems they use hemp fibers to replace the fiberglass aspect of the board with using other materials for the foam component which one company I saw offered agave as one of the replacements which are a cactus, then an epoxy.
As we work more with hemp the more we will learn about the boundaries we can push with replacing processes, products with a sustainable, biodegradable plant option better for the environment, our health.
Which is your favorite board a short/long surf board, paddle board, skim board, boagie board?
Until next time ...
*Posted on other platforms
Written by @biglipsmama
A Few Past Hemp Posts
Hemp Urinals To Combat Wild Peeing On The Streets Of Amsterdam
A Coffee Creamer To Complement A Smoking Hot Cup Of Coffee.
happy to have found your blogpage
Thank you, we will be posting more hemp related posts.
Will #hemp paddleboards be next?
One company has made hemp paddleboards and boggie boards
I wonder if they are the kind that break apart into smaller pieces.
I’ll do some research.
Thanks for the heads up! 😎
That's a great question.
So far we have only found out they are recyclable, reusable.
Definitely voting and sharing this post thank you so very much for posting about hemp products.
Thank you so much, we have many more posts about hemp products to come.
Right on definitely let me know so I can share those out