
Well, the only way that you can directly make honey with cannabis is if you have a bee farm that is pollinating your cannabis crops. I'm not sure the results though. I'd imagine what happens is the bee's will pick up the trichomes similar to how they collect pollen. It then gets mixed into their honey production. What i think @rebeccaryan is doing though is likely infusing honey with her cannabis after the honey is made. You can achieve this in a few ways. Making a alcohol or glycerin tincture then mixing it in with the honey is maybe the one of the easier ways to do it.

Thanks for adding this valuable information to the thread @bluntsmasha!

Hey @aleks433,

Honey oil is another slang for fully extracted cannabis.
I intend to make that with some of this crop but I'm also going to infuse bee honey with it. I make mine a little different in that I use bee honey that hasn't been filtred really well and still has visible beeswax in it. If you keep bees or buy form someone with a small apiary, you can buy cloudy honey with particles of beeswax in it. Once I decarb my cannabis, I infuse it directly into the honey for an 8 hour run. It works fantastic. ;)