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RE: Cannabis chronicals #13, the indoor plant update

in #cannabis6 years ago

Interesting conversation!
I do believe the plant is stretching a bit, it wants to grow right up into the bulb. I'm probably going to take most of the big water leaves off the plant in the next day or 2. As for a flowering bulb, hopefully they make flourescent bulbs for that with more red spectrum, I can't afford to buy a HPS light system, and a large enough LED array is also pretty expensive. I'll have to go to the local hydroponics store and see what kind of lighting they have in stock for flowering that I can afford.
I doubt that I can cut the light back to 12 hours for the plant right now, our daylight lasts too long this time of year, and I don't have a place to put the plant where there's no windows.


That's a good idea about cropping it in stages instead of all at once. I'll have to do that.
I have a 400 watt metal halide light and ballast that works, but I don't want to use it in the room where the plant is, it generates so much heat that I would have to set up some kind of ventilation system to get rid of it. If I had a dedicated grow room, I could set all of that stuff up, but the room that the plant is in is also used for other things.