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RE: Cannabis chronicals #13, the indoor plant update

in #cannabis6 years ago

I've only grown vegetables under mh, starts were liking it. I've grown hps both times with the cheapo plain Phillips bulbs and the last time I had the advantage of running the big 1000 bulb literally right on top of the plant, I had made a Plexiglas cylinder by bending Plexiglas I got from home depot for less than 20, put it in the oven at 230F and then bending it around 4 inch pvc pipe. I glued the seam with goop glue and finished it by putting a donut cap at end through which the beveled/small end of the bulb was sticking out all the way. The bulb was slightly smaller in Dia. than the cylinder so it slid in no problem and the cylinders were only 12 inches long (95%sure on that dimension) and the bulb would stick out like I said through the end, glued together with more goop. At the other end the same thing, made a donut cap with a 4 in holesaw than a 3 inch one through the 4 inch piece and I ran water with a small pump through irrigation tubing that was hooked up to one inlet and one to an outlet on the cylinder and I had a 35 gal reservoir for 2 lights with the cooling element of a small 5k btu ac unit I got from the pawn shop for 40 bucks sitting in the water keeping it to 65f, plus the flow switch which turned the lights on when water was circulating, if the pump or hoses failed it would shut the lights down. The buds were very dense and I had supercroped the plants under chicken wire to get the full advantage of the lights. It was a low pressure very cheap to build aero system, it was about a quarter or a third the price of dirt. The biggest problem for indoor I'd say is heat, I didn't have any problems with that once I took out the primary heat source. I loved Mendo, Ukiah is probably the weed growing capital of the world, and Mendo the number one county in the world, and I agree with you, to me growing under lights is so silly compared to free sunlight, the weather there is perfect, not humid (<50%) and not too hot.