
Hemp prices are currently all over the place. Some companies like TweedleFarms are growing awesome products and charging a really small price. Others are buying super high quality products in bulk, slapping average dispensary prices on them, and re-selling.

I can't wait till things equalize. I don't live anywhere near a legal state, so I'd love to have more of that "good wine" kind of cannabis to choose from. :)

I dont think life of a smokers' will ever be cheap or even reasonable, prices here to are extremely crazy, to top that weed is something we dont have a variety in either, so here its cheaper to get some hash rather than weed filled with seeds & shit..
& here legalisation is far from happening anytime sooner than 10 years..

Hopefully, with legalization coming in Canada, and also Mexico making steps toward legalization, the US will be pressured to legalize as well.

I'm hoping it will be a chain reaction, but so far, it seems like a pretty slow one :(

I really think hemp (or what the US is calling "hemp") will play a big role in making it happen faster.

Hemp (cannabis bred to have low to no THC) is legal in most US states now and is very close to becoming fully legal here in the US. And a lot of people (including politicians) believe hemp is completely different from marijuana.

But as you can see from my posts, it looks, smells, tastes, feels exactly the same as regular cannabis (BECAUSE IT IS CANNABIS!!! haha).

CBD is getting really mainstream in the US. There are tons of products available. CBD tinctures, isolate, lotions, and now hemp flower.

So I'm focusing on making people aware that CBD -- specifically CBD flower is legal and available for anyone in the US to buy.

Hopefully, it will help remove the negative stigma from cannabis users.

Lets keep our fingers & joints crosses..
Its nice that legalisation is an on going thing there, hopefully our government takes the same measures here. I know it will be a longer process here too, but i guess once the US legalises it the world wont be far along, somewhere the ripple effect has to start from..