Laced a few different rosin drizzles on the tip of an Ayahuasca Purple joint tonight. Dab Coats the paper all the way down for some extra punch & flavor.
Been eating too much pizza & sugar lately, so doing a short 18 to 24 hour fast to get out of the sugar craving mode & get a lot of testosterone & growth hormones in the system. Had a good restorative yoga class today & an hour of sauna, cold shower, steam combo. Big healthy salad afterwards, but many hours later & craving those processed carbs. Luckily the rosin joint was pretty sweet, & the body loves a good fast.
Food will taste extra good tomorrow 😊
😛😛😛😛😜😜😜😜🥰🥰🥰😊😊🤗🤗🤗🤗 yum yum yummy yummy
What my joints lack in curves they make up for in juiciness 😉
Hope thats for scientific purposes only ;)
Been having science sessions for 25 + years now. I’m a scientist 👨🔬 💨