Plants looking very happy & healthy!
You might be able to stop covering & uncovering at some point when the plants would be naturally flowering outside anyway. I was going to try to light dep some starting middle of July & then let them finish naturally (no dep) starting middle of August but got a little behind & lazy...
Would be interesting to see what would happen to one of them if left out, but don’t do it & blame me if they don’t like it, blame me if it works 😂
Hahaha! Well they are pritty well stuck in there 😂 a net and a metal grid! Im not sure when plants go to flower here, so its an experiment 😂 i had one last year and it never flowered and died in november haha
Nice looking grow - hope it works out for you. When the box is covered is any light able to get in? IF so that is going to be problematic when go to bud. Look forward to your results regardless
All is going good so far, some more direct morning sun light would be a winner but thats not possible 😊
They seem to be flowering ok, but we shall see more in a couple of weeks to get an idea of what the outcome will be 😅 Welcome to Steemit and thanks for dropping by!
cool thanks for posting your details - I was using sodium lights when I did it cost a lot of electric .... had to quit due to major humidity issues I couldn't overcome. Looking forward to a successful grow on your part great job so far!!!
Thanks man! That's a shame about the humidity! Just covered em up and gave a foliar feed .. hope for some rain soon, i just used the last water!