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RE: Cannabis Legalization is a Lie (2019 documentary)

in #cannabis5 years ago

This is due to party politics from various sides and ignorance/fear from the public and politicians, so much that those who arent fearful or ignorant are having trouble educating and progressing. We have similar issues here in the states. Whats frustrating is youd probably have much much less of a chance to even get this far if it was not for liberals yet there are enough ignorant liberals or liberals who play politics too much that it is having these negative impacts. Hopefully long term as more and more people learn that cannabis is safe to use and as it may not be a miracle cure (snake oil) it still has a long list of medical uses.


Good thoughtful comment, makes sense to me.
I think the USA is "legalizing" in many places much like Canada did. Monopoly and criminalization. Not real freedom. The founding fathers grew cannabis for fiber and medicine, and it was just part of life. Now they would go to prison for 10+ years.

We are in many states. Many want a more liberal stance with it to allow people to grow freely as long as its safely and within reason but there is so much anti-cannabis action still we are still putting in bs into our laws on the matter. States seem to be taken steps still to continue to progress with their cannabis laws. I think it was Colorado that is undoing decades of cannabis arrests. While others are still forcing those who have been harmed by prohibition to sit in jail or deal with oppressive

Oh, well here in Canada, they decided against amnesty for cannabis "criminals", except in a few cases. Tens of thousands of Canadians are rotting in prison for non-crimes, peacefully growing and selling plants to other adults. We wanted decrim but we got more prohibition.