I am still really surprised as to how criticized cannabis continues to be. It has proven to yield a number of benefits, not only in terms of $$$ but also for medicinal purposes...
My mother once had a friend who died of cancer, and the only thing which would help to alleviate her pain was marijuana. The drug can do wonders and it still bewilders me that so many think of or classify ganja as a gateway drug similar to that of cocaine and methamphetamine... among countless others
LEGALIZE IT (already) - Peter Tosh
Keep the patients and sick at the front of the line. Recreational taxes should be able to supply Cannabis oil to the needy for free! Imagine everybody with cancer being able to receive free treatment
now wouldn't that be something!! It would definitely be beneficial in terms of a medicinal and public health perspective, but all anyone cares about these days is $$$...
Yeah well the people are working on it! We will change shit! Have the @greenunion account going to help the movement! If you want to help every vote counts. And it's dedicated to the patients and making medicine a human right.
Diabetic people are dieing from inability to pay for insulin. Maybe one day the Green Union can help with that.
We will change things!