idealy you want the humidity between 50-58 and you don't want to go over 60 and you don't want it below like 45. sometimes that's hard when you don't have a room specifically for drying. Haveing a humidifier and de-humidifier makes things a lot easier, but their are ways to adjust your humidity without them like a bucket of water and a fan to add humidity, or ac to remove it. A closet works great for drying home grows. I like to cut my branches down to about a foot long remove the fan leaves, then hang them on wire hangers making sure the branches are touching each other and when I hang them up I make sure the hangers are close to each other so the branches are touching there to. You let them dry for about 5-10 days, the longer the better. I make sure to rotate the outer hangers to the inside several times during the drying period. Once the flower is almost as dry as you want it, but not quite there yet, you remove the nugs from the branches and move it into jars opening them for like 30 minutes 2 or theee times a day, and mixing up the nugs at the same time. This is where the bivida packs come it. You want to use the 56% or maybe it 58% I can't remember which ones they make. You just put them in the jar with the flower and it makes sure the nugs don't get to dry. The 62% packs are for re-hydrating flower that got to dry. You leave the flower in the jars for a few more days until it cured to where you like it. Everyone is a little different. during this time is when tou trim it, unless you wet trimmed of course.
That's how I dry and cure, but their are many other methods if you look online. I hope I made sense. I don't like hanging whole plants because I like the branches to be close to each other on a hanger because it makes them dry slower I've found.