1. Both the recreational and medical industries are treated unfairly and constantly censored & deleted on multiple social media platforms. For very dumb reasons.
So why are the major players such as Facebook & Instagram constantly getting rid of entire profiles, some of which have well over 100-500 thousand followers, if its about cannabis, it is not welcomed.For the majority of #Cannabis related companies, getting flagged, censored or even flat out deleted over 1 or 2 posts is quite common these days, regardless if the account is that of legal cannabis or not affects this very little. Now most of us would be alright with illegal drug sales being handled this way, but it has now been years since marijuana has become much more than a simple street drug for most of America, and soon the entire world.
This needs to stop! There is no good reason for this to be going on, but I have an idea that I feel like could not only solve this issue but really help Steem break into a whole new market as well.
2. The market for cannabis social media has been proven in the past and is constantly growing.
For years most of us cannabis enthusiasts had to be semi low profile in a world where you were shunned for being a smoker or patient, but over the past 10 years not only has the amount of marijuana smokers increased significantly, so has the acceptance of the overall lifestyle, which has in turn brought quite the upsurge in cannabis themed social media posts.
With no end in sight to the current account deleted fiasco that has been plaguing the industry for years, I think it may be up to Steem community to take up an initiative much like @Zappl has done, but this time launch a cannabis themed step child of Steemit.com and focus it on imagery and blogging all under a semi professional but playfully stoner-ish brand.
3. Why not just rely on using Hashtags like #Cannabis & #Marijuana on Steemit.com? Why do we need a new website?
While I love the community we have using these hashtags, the way Steemit.com is designed does not focus on 1 or 2 main concepts, instead it is a platform filled with articles and information from all around the world, what I am suggesting here is more of a way to bring all the cannabis social media users into the Steem blockchain, while still letting a unique community be born, that can focus on not only a platform for it's specific users, but ways to further improve the world with the power of Steem being used for Cannabis advocacy.
Basically, if a separate website is created under a separate brand, it will grow much faster and people will be able to relate much easier, also having it being a specifically cannabis themed project takes away the scary crypto currency aspect for these users as that takes a back seat to it being cannabis focused, which every stoner and cannabis lover can get behind, man.
4. The future of Cannabis Social Media is in a cannabis focused social platform that cares about users above all else, aka Steemit, or maybe Tokeit.com?
The concept here really starts to shine when you remember that nothing can be censored on Steem, therefore noone will ever have to worry about randomly losing 100k followers ever again, because who wants to lose years of work because a company decided they don't like what you like? It's a rather crappy feeling waking up the dreaded "Your account has been deactivated" memo... it has gotten so bad many shops, grows, influencers and so on have made multiple back up accounts to back up their back ups just in case, which is such a waste of everyones time, energy and life...
The timing is ripe for such a project, MassRoots attempted to take over the Instagram side of things but seems to be having an identity crises to me and has more bots than real users from what I can tell, or people that just spam photos, so having this website be semi focused on content creation and not just images would be very useful as well, perhaps with some sort of @Zappl -esque touch in there as well.
5. Think about it, all of us could extend our marijuana budgets just by posting product reviews on this website, and so on! /mindblown
Yea thats right, you could literally buy your favorite products, review them, share them with the world and then get upvotes aka funding in return for providing quality content about your product, possibly even earning more than you paid for the product itself! Now thats what I call the future.
What do you guys think? Should someone with proper experience try their hand at a project like this? Would it be huge? I sure think so.. Let's hear your thoughts on a #SteemitCannabis project!
//Did you see my other posts from this week?
Should I (or you) go to Steemfest 2017? (November 1st-5th - Lisbon, Portugal) The answer is yes.
My Zappl-Features idea 2/2: The ultimate trending page, with mockups.
Don't forget to follow, upvote and re-steem!
I'm not yet decided wether a new site is what would be best, but I'll resteem this because you're bringing up the concept of onboarding specific communities rather than just "everyone" on Facebook/Instagram.
This has already been proven in the past to work much better than the latter.
It all depends on the new UI and when it comes out, IMO.
Never fear, I will watch over the users of #cannabis and #marijuana. Also, make sure you're using https://beta.chainbb.com/forum/cannasteem, @jesta got this set up for us! #cannasteem
lol I saw this while i was using chainBB! and i read it all in Bernie Sanders voice as if he was a floating head from futurama.
I can se bernie sanders LOVINg steemit as a way young kids can help to pay for their college tuition! lol aor healthcare hah, basicaly steemit can be a job for the unployed who cant find work elsewhere or who dont fit inwith normal society and who need to florusih online, making video games, etc, imagine telling someone 10 years ago that noone would ever be making millions of dollars off youtbe just uploading silly videos of cutting stuff open and seeing whats inside.......
and yet we have chanels onyoutube where the creators are millionaires and alll they do is play with toys on camera...you can make money doing all sorts of insane niceh stuff! People are srange! they will give their money away to alot of strange causes, sometimes just to piss someone off or just to change reality!
alot of people online wodner how steemit can pay its users, when we have no ads...as if that automaticaly means we must bea pyramid scheme as if Youtube and its ads and teh way it pays users who drive the most traffic, as if thats THE ONLY way you could EVER make money online! hah, even whenpeole understand bitcointhey still dont get how we all are paid with the new steem tht is mined everyday! That we basicallly have "witnesses" who collectivly sacrifice valuable HASH that they could be trading for bitcoin, to be used to create steem instead, and honestly as the price of steem goes up and people get more and more interested inthe blockchain, steemit will only become more popular, its as good as ANY other crypto currency! Steeit is as good as bitcointo be used as Money, but with alot more features! And cannabis is a perfect partner for crypo crrency! I ean, the one big thing we all ignor eon the daily is that the Darkwebs number one drg is still cannabis and it always has been!
haha as long as we have illegal cannabis, in these few minority states, we will havethis darknet selling weed to people! people can litteraly buy weed from a legal dispenary on the west coast , put it all up on darknet market alphabay, gget bitcoinsor Monero or Bytecooin for it, sen it alll in the mail, and tthey can basicaly offer a Delivery service for wed offering all teh same cannabis products you could get at any legal dispensary!
so why allow this to happen why not just legalize weed and allow dispenarie sin every state? the governent can NEVER get around the black market!
its a MOVEMENT! some peopel are simply DEDICATEDto making sure darknet markets exist PURELy as a political movement!
some people even create decentralized darknet markets where noone is making money noone has control and there would be NOONE to take down! these nw decentralized markets can NEVRR be shut down! you cannow ALWAYS find a drug dealer to send money to to get drugs! and its all decentralized! No SIlk Road creator ROss Ulbricht to bust an blame hahaha look they CANT win! either legalize drgs or loose a failing drug war where u will end up maye busting a tiny percent of people but youl have this MASSIVE blac market EVOLVING PAST the regukar arket! you already HAVE secret DRONE delivery services that DELIVER drigs to ANYWHERE using drones! u wont find it on the fuckin appp store, but u better believe that u can get ddrugss delieverd via drones, and so the black market is AHEAD of the regular market with its Darknt Tor systems, its alll very advanced stuff...and the most succesful darknet drug delers, are working rigt now,a nd u never heard of them and u never will heard of them! tehers ALOt more drug dealers thanpeople think!
the darknet and butcoin are cliche but it isstill tthe key to all of this, its the key to our freedom! our freeedom as a SPECIES
Thanks for having our back @berniesanders! Always look forward to you visiting my page!
Sound great @berniesanders! Used to work with some people with posting some things on a blog a few years ago, so maybe could coordinate some way of bringing some of that to steemit with #cannasteem.
That sounds like I would wanna meet these fellas!
There's already a lot of us from the cannabis industry posting on steemit! Check out my page if you're interested!
Lol yea bro seems you brought the auto downvote brigade with you! :p Got a -75% from Smooth, a -25% from @Abit.... xD
Don't mind those cocksuckers, they're just butthurt wankers...
Meh, not worried, just the first time any auto downvotes have come my way recently :p I just didn't want my post hidden due to low ratings lawl.
All is well in the world, they took $50-70 off the post, but not an issue.
And I just took $80+ off another. All, please beware of this whack job. All you need to do is look at his history to see why.
I've been meaning to sign into chainBB lately, thanks for the reminder boss! I've also been wanting to start an entire brand focused on cannabis that uses Steem as a publishing platform and RSS's all of the posts to a website (kushsmokers.com), what do you think?
The main problem I have with Steemit is everything gets lost over time.... I think a website link directory/blog would fix this issue a bit...
Hit me up on steemit.chat early next week, let's talk. Would love to see the cannabis community continue to grow on here. I also own cannasteem.com
Will do man! I'm still @TDG on Steemit.chat, just so you know. Gunna go write another daily post real quick thats not cannabis focused since I just got this post nuked... LOL
noone has enough time to do all of this! i spend all day everyday doing this and i cant keep track of it all! maybe i could do speed steemiting where i go reply to al of my comments and make sure to wrte 1 post a day and then go and promote steemit and then go check my altcoinportfoolio, look at new ICOs, go check bitcoin blockchain altcoin nws, goc heck for steemit upgrades liek chainBB, see if zapple is ready, go and create steemit GIFs and steemit Jpegs, and then go and send sbd or steem or steempower to steemit minnows in need, who deserve it and then go upvote the trending and hot, then go back and edit all my typos (that pisses me offthe most )
@berniesanders, may i ask for your steemit.chat id?....am checking out cannasteem.com now for more details.
I finally got the Steemit account approved for @KushSmokers too! Good timing Steem! lol
Wonderful idea! Millions of 'heads" could get behind this. Please keep posting.
Interested in Cannabis themed content? Try my new alt-account that I will be sharing with some close friends; @KushSmokers; Website coming soon as well!
I think this would amazing!! I don't not have the know how but i am sure there is some tokers out there that do.
I mean its the same thing Zappl is doing, but with less re-working of the Steem UI :P
Gonna have to look in to Zappl. but can you explain why this post is not hidden do to low ratings?
It seems there are a few whales voting different ways and for a moment there the post went negative or something like that, but it seems to be back now...
edit: chdckout @zappl account for more info!
AH ok thought it was somthing like that.. and will look at that account now
How about we make a Steem #trees for our marijuana enthousiasts? :)
Hmmm Seems @abit doesn't like my content or cannabis, or perhaps you brought your friends here to even out my rewards? ;] lawl
Thanks for the downvote @abit!
The more services built on Steem the better. I like this idea and direction.
Agreed! The more the merrier!
I'd love to see someone making a proper tutorial on basics of developing using Steem as database. I'm sure someone is ready to do that if we could reward them properly for their efforts. Compared to giving 600 dollars to trading posts and 1200 dollars for bashing Eth, I'd see this as far better investment for long term. Maybe time for a proposal?
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @decentralizd!
Upvoted/resteemed/following😉In my humble opinion, @decentralized, the Anti-Cannabis Movement is much like this generation's Prohibition Era. The Feds haven't quite figured out how to make money off of the legalization yet. Even when they do, it won't come close to the amount they make off of the pharmaceutical companies, so this is going to be an uphill battle. The Pharms would go outta business, with all that Cannabis can provide for one's health and well-being... Regardless of how it's introduced into your system😎
Yea sadly I work in the cannabis industry and know all too well how bloody the next 20 years are gunna be.. kinda sad how upside down our world view is..
My cannabis posts have preformed quite well without any downvotes as of yet.
I hope that continues and I hope others stop downvoting content that isn't offensive.
Steem and cannabis "for the People" Thanks for sharing this, I'll be following this, it has very good potential.
nice....your post deserve upvote and resteem....
MassRoots is a cannabis focused social media platform and it's available by computer and mobile phone apps.
please upvote,reply,resteem and follow me @victorvazco, thank you, you are awesome!
Nice articles bout ganja. Im just looking for it postive drugs and brings more benefits
what came to mind: some sort of possible collaboration with Dopecoin/Potcoin...
given they're already building in the crypto-pot space, there could be some interesting possibilities in partnership projects, with which they could leverage this platform.
looking ahead to smart-contract possibilities, as well - perhaps there'd be the capability to insta-convert Steem rewards for Dope/Pot-coin, etc...
There is already a pretty large cannabis community on steemit. I work at a cultivation facility and share our product and progress on my page. Plus there is people like @ganjafarmer and @weedporn among many others who also work in the industry and are blogging about it. The cannabis and marijuana tags are busy these days!
I can see it working with proper planning and even beyond that. With traditional investment firms already handling cannabis stocks and many adding cryptocurrencies soon. People will be able to buy and sell cannabis stocks with crypto also. One can never make too many wise investments.
Very cool... You just reminded me I need to post more under the cannabis tag. CHEERS!
interesante post
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I'd love to be a content contributor for such a website.
thanks for sharing @decentralizd
Agreed! I was going to start a cannabis based project on YouTube only to realize in 5mins research why it was a bad idea.
and, there is the canadian crypt currenc POTCOIN to buy marijuana
Here are my thoughts on BTC, ETH and STEEM https://steemit.com/steemit/@wvm/will-ethereum-surpass-bitcoin-in-value
Cool :))
this would make for a great app... we run a FB page with 500k followers in the cannabis space...and constintaley are tiptoeing around with facebook...if they don't get with it they will lose out and a large fanbase.....
I'm working on something to get this concept kickstarted! You would be very helpful to onboarding people to Steem! Perhaps we can work together?
Liked! If you don't mind emailing me so I can have your contact information? My email is [email protected], thank you!
Please read my article about investment opportunities in the marijuana business and maybe we can share thoughts about weed,
I think that's a great idea! Although if I may add, it would also be nice to see a fully functional Apple and Android app of the "Tokeit" idea, the same way the made "eSteem" for Steemit.
Yes, I love where this is going! and would love to be kept in the loop if this gets built out. It's a great idea to have separate sites dedicated to certain niche audiences. It's going to be the way we grow the Steem ecosystem outside of just Steemit.
Don't get me wrong, Steemit is wonderful for what it is, but like @decentralizd mentioned in this post, branded sites that are niched down are easier for audiences to feel welcome and know what they are there to share and consume.
Here's my plan that I wrote up the other day about how to bring my huge social audience over to the Steemit platform in a very similar way: https://steemit.com/steemit/@brendanwenzel/my-plan-to-bring-tens-of-thousands-of-my-brand-s-audience-into-the-steem-ecosystem-post-1
I'm open to contributing monetarily to the development of this project as I think once we have the template, then we can just change out the logos basically to have a whole new site.